Three factors that determine Super Bowl success

Three factors that determine Super Bowl success

8y Mike O'Brien

Three factors that determine Super Bowl success

Super Bowl ads cost millions of dollars, so brands better make them worthwhile. But how can that be measured? Last week, we determined that it is, in ...

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Are you an analytics leader, student, or skeptic?

Are you an analytics leader, student, or skeptic?

8y Adam Singer

Are you an analytics leader, student, or skeptic?

As marketing continues to become progressively more digital, it is important that all those within the industry understand the value of analyzing and ...

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Cracking the code: CMOs, measurement, and metrics

Cracking the code: CMOs, measurement, and metrics

8y Sanjay Dholakia

Cracking the code: CMOs, measurement, and metrics

Although technological advances have simplified evaluating metrics and quantifying data from campaigns, it's still a complicated process. How should m...

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Analytics agencies: what’s the right fit?

Analytics agencies: what’s the right fit?

8y Andrew Edwards

Analytics agencies: what’s the right fit?

Finding a digital analytics consulting firm that can cater to mid- to large-sized enterprises can pose a challenge, so ask some fundamental questions ...

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Saying Goodbye to Click-Based Measurement

Saying Goodbye to Click-Based Measurement

8y Nadia Tan

Saying Goodbye to Click-Based Measurement

Using proxies such as clicks is no longer valid in this multi-device world. Facebook's Nadia Tan explains why it's time to say goodbye to click-based ...

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Apple Is The World's Most Valuable Brand [Study]

Apple Is The World's Most Valuable Brand [Study]

8y Mike O'Brien

Apple Is The World's Most Valuable Brand [Study]

Having grown 67 percent from last year, Apple overtook Google for the top spot in WPP's annual ranking of the top 100 global brands, demonstrating tec...

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How Effective Is Your Content Strategy?

How Effective Is Your Content Strategy?

9y Neil Mason

How Effective Is Your Content Strategy?

In order to measure the effectiveness of your content strategy, you must first clearly define the objectives and then link the objectives to metrics. ...

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The Power of Multichannel Attribution at TD Bank [#CZLNY]

The Power of Multichannel Attribution at TD Bank [#CZLNY]

9y Stephanie Miller

The Power of Multichannel Attribution at TD Bank [...

In his session at ClickZ Live New York, TD Bank's Nick Necsulescu shared the importance of multichannel attribution in making good marketing optimizat...

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50 Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Start-Up

50 Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Start-Up

9y Bryan Eisenberg

50 Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Start-Up

This list of 50 tools can help you boost your digital marketing start-up in every aspect, from SEO to social media to email. Read More...

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It Can Be Hard to Shift a Habit

It Can Be Hard to Shift a Habit

9y Neil Mason

It Can Be Hard to Shift a Habit

What does it take to break consumers of their shopping habits and move them to your brand? Read More...

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Measurement Frameworks: Focus on the Metrics That Matter

Measurement Frameworks: Focus on the Metrics That Matter

9y Neil Mason

Measurement Frameworks: Focus on the Metrics That ...

There is certainly no shortage of data available to marketers, but the problem is often in knowing how to structure the data to get the most out of it...

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What a Used Car Salesman Can Teach You About Empathy

What a Used Car Salesman Can Teach You About Empathy

9y Bryan Eisenberg

What a Used Car Salesman Can Teach You About Empat...

There's a big difference between selling and helping customers buy what you sell. Do you know what it is? Read More...

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The Things I Look for in an Analyst

The Things I Look for in an Analyst

9y Neil Mason

The Things I Look for in an Analyst

What should marketers looks for in a digital analyst? This checklist of five characteristics will set you on the right track. Read More...

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Corporate Culture Dictates Big Data Value

Corporate Culture Dictates Big Data Value

9y Jim Sterne

Corporate Culture Dictates Big Data Value

There is seemingly limitless data out there, but different data will have different value depending on what your brand deems important. Do you know wh...

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Can Your Company Deliver What Marketing Promises?

Can Your Company Deliver What Marketing Promises?

9y Bryan Eisenberg

Can Your Company Deliver What Marketing Promises?

As marketers are given better tools for storytelling, it may become harder for companies to deliver on the promises they are making. Read More...

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First Month of a Start-Up: CMO's Top 10

First Month of a Start-Up: CMO's Top 10

9y Parth Mukherjee

First Month of a Start-Up: CMO's Top 10

This is the fifth instalment of a five-part series on start-up marketing, and delves into the top 10 achievements the CMO should now be able to tick o...

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What Do We Mean When We Want "Insight"?

What Do We Mean When We Want "Insight"?

9y Neil Mason

What Do We Mean When We Want "Insight"?

What does the term "insight" really mean when it comes to marketing? Are we using it in the correct way? Read More...

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Is Remarketing Self-Defeating?

Is Remarketing Self-Defeating?

9y Jim Sterne

Is Remarketing Self-Defeating?

When we spend time and money to remarket, are we really just trying to convince consumers to buy something they never wanted in the first place? Read ...

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How Do You Make 2+2=5? Integrate!

How Do You Make 2+2=5? Integrate!

9y Neil Mason

How Do You Make 2+2=5? Integrate!

Integrating your data can help you make it even more valuable. What is the best way to integrate? Read More...

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How Much for a New Customer?

How Much for a New Customer?

9y Jim Sterne

How Much for a New Customer?

At some point in planning your marketing strategy, you must decide how much you're willing to pay for a lead and what actually constitutes a qualified...

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The First Month in Start-Up/SME Marketing (Part 4)

The First Month in Start-Up/SME Marketing (Part 4)

9y Parth Mukherjee

The First Month in Start-Up/SME Marketing (Part 4)

The fourth installment of this five-part series on start-up marketing looks at how marketers can focus on getting noticed for their content and as a r...

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Jerry Seinfeld’s Branding Punch Line

Jerry Seinfeld’s Branding Punch Line

9y Bryan Eisenberg

Jerry Seinfeld’s Branding Punch Line

There can be a huge discrepancy between what companies think they are promising and what customers actually receive. How can you fix this for your bra...

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If (You Write a Good Hypothesis), Then (Good Things Happen)

If (You Write a Good Hypothesis), Then (Good Things Happen)

9y Jim Sterne

If (You Write a Good Hypothesis), Then (Good Thing...

In order to formulate valuable insights, analysts need to be constantly coming up with hypotheses and testing them to the best of their ability. Read ...

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5 Ingredients for an Analytical Organization

5 Ingredients for an Analytical Organization

9y Neil Mason

5 Ingredients for an Analytical Organization

What makes an analytics-empowered company? There are five key factors that allow an organization to take advantage of all that analytics have to offer...

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Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions - a Synopsis

Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions - a Synopsis

9y Jim Sterne

Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Be...

A new book explores the value of visualizing your analytics data, using Netflix as a prime example of a company that is successfully employing this st...

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"If I Tell You the Answer, What Will You Do With It?"

"If I Tell You the Answer, What Will You Do With It?"

9y Neil Mason

"If I Tell You the Answer, What Will You Do With I...

Analysts need to be able to get beyond the numbers and understand what people are trying to do with the data they're asking you to provide. Only then ...

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True Detectives

True Detectives

9y Jim Sterne

True Detectives

There are many similarities between the work of a detective and the work of a digital analyst. Here is a look at some of them, with some words of wisd...

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