From home to out-of-home, understanding the evolution of voice usage

Voice search From home to out-of-home, understanding the evolution of voice usage

2m Nitin Dhamelia

From home to out-of-home, understanding the evolut...

As voice technology extends beyond the home we explore its growing usage in public settings and the implications for brands and customer experiences R...

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Sonic branding 101: A marketer’s toolkit for next-gen connection through sound

Sonic Branding Sonic branding 101: A marketer’s toolkit for next-gen connection through sound

8m Michele Arnese

Sonic branding 101: A marketer’s toolkit for next-...

Sonic brand cues improve the likelihood of brand attention by 8.53 times, making them the most effective asset a brand can invest in. When sound is co...

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Mastercard's multisensory marketing: A masterclass in sonic branding

Case Study Mastercard's multisensory marketing: A masterclass in sonic branding

1y Benjamin Broomfield

Mastercard's multisensory marketing: A masterclass...

“At Mastercard, we strive to ensure that our brand is instantly recognizable and top of mind. Our sonic melody and overall audio strategy gives us the...

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