Design for inclusion: Embrace accessibility-based design

Design Design for inclusion: Embrace accessibility-based design

3y Tylor Loposser

Design for inclusion: Embrace accessibility-based ...

Appeal to a wider audience by making marketing more accessible and inclusive, details Tylor Loposser, Art Director at Emma, a CM Group company. Read M...

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Design by computers: How AI is changing the graphic design industry

Design Design by computers: How AI is changing the graphic design industry

3y Carl Dean

Design by computers: How AI is changing the graphi...

AI is a powerful technology and there is no dearth of its merits. It’s disrupted many industries and today we highlight how it has impacted the graphi...

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Why partnering with a web design platform is the right move for your business

Design Why partnering with a web design platform is the right move for your business

4y Jacqueline Dooley

Why partnering with a web design platform is the r...

Duda's eBook explains how agencies, digital publishers, host providers, and SaaS platforms can all benefit from partnering with a web design platform....

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Using artificial intelligence to design better mobile app user experience

Design Using artificial intelligence to design better mobile app user experience

4y Samantha Roberson

Using artificial intelligence to design better mob...

As hype around artificial intelligence continues to grow year-on-year, here is a look at how it can help mobile apps boost their end-users' experience...

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Voice technology: Why Adobe says marketers should focus on user design

Design Voice technology: Why Adobe says marketers should focus on user design

4y Tereza Litsa

Voice technology: Why Adobe says marketers should ...

“Marketers and designers alike need to be targeted in their approach: focusing on their audience’s needs first," says Adobe voice expert Mark Webster,...

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How to design a complete immersive AR experience

Design How to design a complete immersive AR experience

5y Phill Dodd

How to design a complete immersive AR experience

Tips from an AR expert on how to plan, build, and perfect an immersive AR experience. How to keep users engaged, prototype, and make something awesome...

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Mobile websites are pushing mobile-first customers to competitors by design

Design Mobile websites are pushing mobile-first customers to competitors by design

5y Brian Solis

Mobile websites are pushing mobile-first customers...

People are 100 times more impatient online than they are in physical reality. It probably took you just about five or so seconds to read that last sen...

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Nine great examples of web form design

Design Nine great examples of web form design

7y Graham Charlton

Nine great examples of web form design

Filling in forms online can be a pain, but good design can make a lot of difference to the user experience.  To coincide with our new Marketer’s Guide...

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