Emerging TechnologyClickZ’s Marketing Automation Summit available on demand

ClickZ's Marketing Automation Summit available on demand

With two keynote panel discussions and three tech talk showcases, our Marketing Automation Summit provides a detailed look at the now and what will be of the automation sector.

30-second summary:

  • ClickZ’s virtual Marketing Automation Summit was held on October 22, 2020, and featured two sessions of expert panelists discussing the challenges, opportunities, and future of marketing automation.
  • There were eight speakers at this year’s Summit, including marketing leaders at Salesforce, MailChimp, McKinsey, Demandbase, Purple, and Deloitte Digital.
  • The Summit also featured a 15 minute Tech Talks from MessageGears, Censhare and Blueshift.
  • You can view the Marketing Automation Summit in its entirety at anytime. It’s available on-demand from here.

On October 22, we hosted our virtual Marketing Automation Summit which featured incredible speakers from some of the smartest minds in marketing.

The organizations represented—Demandbase, MailChimp, McKinsey, Salesforce, Deloitte Digital, and Purple—are pioneers in marketing automation. Their marketing leadership is made up of visionaries who can help marketers understand where to prioritize their digital transformation efforts.

The summit is now available to view for free on demand and here is a break down of each session:

The state of marketing automation

Our opening keynote panel discussion featured MailChimp’s VP of Data Product, David Dewey and Oliver Gediehn, Expert Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company.

During this session our expert panel broke down the current state of marketing automation: how it has evolved; who are the top players; what are the current problems with it; how it differs from B2B to B2C; where the tech sits in the martech stack; and highlights some great current innovations within the tech.

You can see this panel discussion in its entirety for free here.

Marketing Automation Summit panel 1

The future of marketing automation

The day’s second keynote panel discussion featured Salesforce’s Brian Solis. Demandbase’s Jon Miller, Deloitte Digital’s Erik Duffield and Purple’s Rob Towne.

During this session our expert panel broke down the future of marketing automation: how it may evolve in the future; new types of tech innovation; how its application will differ; how future automation will be implemented; the makeup of tech teams and how the automation landscape may change in the near future.

You can see this panel discussion in its entirety for free here.

Marketing Automation Summit panel 2

A full breakdown of both the panels can also be read here.

The marketing automation Tech Talks

Along with the two keynote panel discussion we also had three leading automation solution providers give a 15-minute demonstration of their offerings respectively. Here is a breakdown of each of those talks:


During this Tech Talk showcase Nick Ziech-Lopez, Director of Product Strategy at MessageGears, focused on saying goodbye to data friction and overcoming these issues by leveraging the power of automation.

You can see this showcase in its entirety for free here or read the key takeaways from the talk here.


During this Tech Talk Censhare’s Josh Van Dyk and Roland Felner focused on the role of the Content Hub, problems with modern day content management and provided a product demo as well.

You can see this showcase in its entirety for free here.


During this Tech Talk Josh Francia, Chief Growth Officer at Blueshift, showcased their Intelligence Omnichannel Activation, 4 W’s of 1:1 Marketing and their SmartHub CDP.

You can see this showcase in its entirety for free here.


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