SponsoredThe path to owning influencer marketing in 2020 is just 6 steps

The path to owning influencer marketing in 2020 is just 6 steps

Linqia playbook suggests always-on approach to influencer marketing, backed up with solid analytics, as the way forward.

30-second summary:

  • Influencer marketing specialists Linqia launched a playbook to help businesses strategize in 2020.
  • According to Linqia there are five different types (or tiers) of influencer: Nano; Micro; Macro; Mega; and Celebrity.
  • Micros offer niche markets and authentic voices, while Megas offer agency-style content and a very broad reach. Macros clearly sit somewhere in the middle.
  • Holidays, media events, sporting events, which happen on local, national, and international levels may well be relevant to your brand, your audience, and your influencer.
  • Social media will be where many of these conversations occur during these times, and brands need to be prepared – as far as 3-6 months in advance – in order to push content that is relevant.

Influencer marketing specialists Linqia launched The 2020 Influencer Marketing Playbook to help businesses strategize in the new year.

With 92% of consumers saying they trust influencer marketing over traditional advertising (according to Nielsen), and the anticipation that the majority of marketers are looking to turn their efforts into a year-round activity, now is a great time to look to the channel.

The playbook lays out six steps for brands to get their influencer marketing campaigns in order.

There’s a lot of detail in there, and it’s worth having a proper look if you’re interested. But by way of introducing them, let’s briefly take a look at two of the steps here:

Content produced in collaboration with Linqia.

Step 1. Identifying influencers

According to Linqia there are five different types (or tiers) of influencer:

  1. Nano: Under 5k followers on Instagram
  2. Micro: 5k-100k followers on Instagram
  3. Macro: 100k-500k followers on Instagram
  4. Mega: 500k-5million followers on Instagram
  5. Celebrity: 5million+ followers on Instagram

While the Nano and Celebrity tiers of influencer have their place, Linqia focuses in on the core three (Micro, Macro, Mega) as the best tiers for ongoing campaigns.

Micros offer niche markets and authentic voices, while Megas offer agency-style content and a very broad reach. Macros clearly sit somewhere in the middle. There are plenty of options and versatility within this core. And plenty of return from, at least, some investment – without the need to have enough budget to get Kim Kardashian on board.

Step 2. Trendfluence

This step refers to the importance of planning and timeliness to influencer marketing campaigns.

Holidays, media events, sporting events, which happen on local, national, and international levels may well be relevant to your brand, your audience, and your influencer.

Social media will be where many of these conversations occur during these times, and brands need to be prepared – as far as 3-6 months in advance – in order to push content that is relevant.

To see the full list of the 6 steps, download your copy of the Playbook here!


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