The Economist reads

The Economist reads

Books that probe the secrets of the Mossad

Seven books on Israeli intelligence agencies, which are spearheading the offensive against Hizbullah in Lebanon

The Economist reads

An introduction to Lebanon, perhaps the next front in a wider war

Four books and a film on a pivotal Middle Eastern country

The Economist reads

What to read about modern feminism

An introduction to a large, evolving and controversial subject

The Economist reads

How Christianity shapes politics in America

Four books and a podcast explain a complicated relationship

The Economist reads

What to read about the British economy

Britain used to be the world’s richest country. These six books explain how it came to be, and why it is no longer

The Economist reads

Six novels about India, perhaps the world’s most interesting place

Works of fiction about a country whose global clout, already large, is growing

The Economist reads

Six novels you can read in a day

Reluctant to start on a big masterpiece? Try these small gems instead

The Economist reads

The romance and reality of Paris, the Olympics’ host

Five non-fiction books about a city that is both gilded and gritty

The Economist reads

Novels set on holiday

Some of these fictional holidays aren’t fun, but they might enhance yours

The Economist reads

Five books on the glories and flaws of the Olympics

The games fall short of their ideals, but they’re still worth watching

The Economist reads

The best and worst memoirs by British prime ministers

There are plenty of duds, but a few gems

The Economist reads

Books (and films) about the joy and pain of music festivals

From Bethel to the Bahamas