The Future of Search 2022

Whitepaper | Search The Future of Search 2022


The Future of Search 2022

While the impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic appears to be slowly declining in many key markets, it has undeniably quickened the pace at which bra...

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Data-Driven Market Research and Competitive Analysis

Whitepaper | SEO Data-Driven Market Research and Competitive Analysis


Data-Driven Market Research and Competitive Analys...

For email marketers, the next few months include some of the year’s greatest opportunities, but also the greatest challenges. Read More...

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Semrush Keyword Difficulty

Whitepaper | SEO Semrush Keyword Difficulty


Semrush Keyword Difficulty

For email marketers, the next few months include some of the year’s greatest opportunities, but also the greatest challenges. Read More...

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Best in class email senders

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Best in class email senders


Best in class email senders

The email landscape is evolving rapidly. Inbox volume has increased 94% in the last year alone, and our research shows “competition for the inbox” is ...

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How to attract more leads with high-quality links

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing How to attract more leads with high-quality links


How to attract more leads with high-quality links

In the last five years, the cost of acquiring new customers has increased by over 50%. As competition saturates direct channels and advertising costs ...

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Website redesign in 7 steps

Whitepaper | Design Website redesign in 7 steps


Website redesign in 7 steps

This content experience toolkit can help map out your 2021 digital strategies, prioritise the most important developments and excel in the digital age...

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6 Priorities for digital decisionmakers in 2021

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing 6 Priorities for digital decisionmakers in 2021


6 Priorities for digital decisionmakers in 2021

This content experience toolkit can help map out your 2021 digital strategies, prioritise the most important developments and excel in the digital age...

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5 Channels You Should Prioritize In 2021

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing 5 Channels You Should Prioritize In 2021


5 Channels You Should Prioritize In 2021

If in 2021 you don’t have a website with a strong online presence, you’re going to lose out on significant sales revenue. And after the year we’ve jus...

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Technical SEO For Non-Technical Thinkers

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Technical SEO For Non-Technical Thinkers


Technical SEO For Non-Technical Thinkers

Technical SEO is the hands-on, under-the-hood version of SEO. If you’re reading this, it’s because you or someone you’re working with is interested in...

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Making SEO Predictable

Whitepaper | SEO Making SEO Predictable


Making SEO Predictable

With the advancements in natural language processing (NLP) - like Google’s BERT - search has increasingly become more and more user focused over the y...

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Post-Pandemic: SEO Strategy Playbook

Whitepaper | SEO Post-Pandemic: SEO Strategy Playbook


Post-Pandemic: SEO Strategy Playbook

The COVID-19 global pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the world, and people everywhere are working hard to adapt to the new normal: remote work, a...

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Top 5 SEO Mistakes

Whitepaper | SEO Top 5 SEO Mistakes


Top 5 SEO Mistakes

Every business owner is raving about Digital Marketing. Not because it’s a ‘trend,’ but due to the plethora of benefits it offers. Helping businesses ...

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How to Design a Strong Off-Page SEO Strategy

Whitepaper | Design How to Design a Strong Off-Page SEO Strategy


How to Design a Strong Off-Page SEO Strategy

Almost every single business with a website is investing in their SEO strategy in 2020 to get ahead of their competition. Read More...

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DeepCrawl's Ultimate Guide To Improving SEO & Developer Relationships

Whitepaper | Content Marketing DeepCrawl's Ultimate Guide To Improving SEO & Developer Relationships


DeepCrawl's Ultimate Guide To Improving SEO & Deve...

One of the very commonly faced problems within a lot of companies is that SEOs and developers do not always see eye to eye. Read More...

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Capgemini Lookbook - A visual collection of award-winning sites

Whitepaper | Tools & Technology Capgemini Lookbook - A visual collection of award-winning sites


Capgemini Lookbook - A visual collection of award-...

Businesses need to meticulously think through each step before they embark on the replatforming journey, as it's not just an easy site redesign or sof...

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How to Do Online Competitor Analysis

Whitepaper | Actionable Analysis How to Do Online Competitor Analysis


How to Do Online Competitor Analysis

Many companies do competitor analysis when they develop a digital marketing strategy and never get back to it later. That’s an oversight, because in m...

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Google Ads Guide for Success in 2020 - Education Edition

Whitepaper | Social Media Marketing Google Ads Guide for Success in 2020 - Education Edition


Google Ads Guide for Success in 2020 - Education E...

Digital marketing for the education space isn’t what it used to be. In today’s market, there are longer enrollment cycles, longer research proce...

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The 10 Actions SEOs Need to Take Following Google’s Spot-Zero-Termination

Whitepaper | SEO The 10 Actions SEOs Need to Take Following Google’s Spot-Zero-Termination


The 10 Actions SEOs Need to Take Following Google’...

SEOs have known for years that when a featured snippet was shown in a SERP that the URL falling immediately below the snippet earned more clicks than ...

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Beyond Ad Verification: Capturing Consumer Attention to Achieve Campaign Success

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Beyond Ad Verification: Capturing Consumer Attention to Achieve Campaign Success


Beyond Ad Verification: Capturing Consumer Attenti...

Today, consumers spend more time engaging with media than ever before and the proliferation of channels and devices gives us more opportunity than eve...

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Eight Questions to Ask Before Migrating to a New Commerce Platform

Whitepaper | Tools & Technology Eight Questions to Ask Before Migrating to a New Commerce Platform


Eight Questions to Ask Before Migrating to a New C...

Businesses need to meticulously think through each step before they embark on the replatforming journey, as it's not just an easy site redesign or sof...

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Brand Protection Against Ad Hijacking

Whitepaper | Data & Analytics Brand Protection Against Ad Hijacking


Brand Protection Against Ad Hijacking

Ad Hijacking can be destructive to a brand’s paid search programs with several negative impacts. Read More...

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6 Personalization Trends You Need To Know

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing 6 Personalization Trends You Need To Know


6 Personalization Trends You Need To Know

Personalization works and there is a lot of interest in it from digital businesses. So what is holding organizations back from personalizing their use...

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SEO for Website Redesign and Migration

Whitepaper | Design SEO for Website Redesign and Migration


SEO for Website Redesign and Migration

Redesigning a website or migrating it takes a lot of planning. If you do not take proper SEO precautions it can result to be highly unsatisfactory, bu...

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The Definitive Guide to Online Listings for Restaurant Brands

Whitepaper | Digital Marketing The Definitive Guide to Online Listings for Restaurant Brands


The Definitive Guide to Online Listings for Restau...

In this eBook, we outline the various components of a successful restaurant marketing campaign, primarily focusing on managing online listings and loc...

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Measuring the ROI of Google Posts for Enterprise Brands

Whitepaper | ROI Marketing Measuring the ROI of Google Posts for Enterprise Brands


Measuring the ROI of Google Posts for Enterprise B...

Google posts allows businesses to create optimised, temporary content that appears when users search for a particular business and brand. The digital ...

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SEO: The complete strategy guide

Whitepaper | SEO SEO: The complete strategy guide


SEO: The complete strategy guide

Ever wonder how to get your website to show up in search results? You’re not alone. It’s a question most online store owners ask once their website la...

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