Digital MarketingOOH in 2021: Applying frontier thinking to a new world

OOH in 2021: Applying frontier thinking to a new world

After a turbulent year for out of home Claire Kimber, Group Innovation Director at Posterscope maps out five actionable futures and predictions for the medium in 2021.

30-second summary:

  • In 2021, out of home will need to match changing behaviors and movements, innovate solutions that address new client needs, apply clarity to the abstract and use creativity to navigate uncertainly
  • Consumer familiarity with AR will allow out of home to become shoppable, to educate and entertain and bring consumers into a brand universe
  • OOH brand performance will continue to grow using a suite of technologies that drive online behaviors from offline stimulus
  • Automation will facilitate even more agility and flexibility in digital OOH advertising
  • Prototyping of new technologies will see OOH play an important role in the green revolution

In the past 12 months we’ve been reminded that human movement is the touchpaper of global pandemics; where we go, our viruses go too.  And with that ferocious reminder, everything paused. Business paused. Movement paused. People paused. And OOH paused.

But during that pause, we started to think. Really think. We had to react to the present, but we also had to prepare for the next – whatever guise that might take.  And so we have effectively been making our predictions for 2021 since March 2020.

They are based on bending to match changing consumer behaviors and movements, on innovating solutions that address new client needs, on applying clarity to the abstract, on using creativity to navigate uncertainty, and on applying frontier thinking to a new world.

Here are the actionable futures and predictions for Out of Home that have been developing since March 2020.

1) The enhanced reality

Augmented Reality has matured so rapidly that it is no longer considered an ‘emerging technology’ anymore.” Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2020.

Augmented Reality. It’s not new. But that’s kind of the point. We’ve been layering mobile digital realities over physical spaces/objects for some time (even longer in sci-fi but that’s a different story); we all know the Pokémon Go phenomenon and that Snapchat is vital to many (249 million daily users globally).

Indeed, it has become ubiquitous and no longer an emerging technology. And Apple have just made it even more so. With the launch of the iPhone 12, they have heralded in a new era of AR (the phone is loaded up with lidar sensors, meaning AR experiences can have much-improved quality).

Couple that with the rollout of 5G (which allows for huge volumes of data to transfer which in turn means no lag, massively improved animation quality, and superior geo-location applications), and we have a technology that is not simply a fad or gimmick; its consumer familiarity means this is now a rational business-critical expectation that offers safe and touchless interaction, is shoppable, can educate and entertain and brings consumers into a brand universe in a seamless and natural way (especially via the QR code renaissance).

OOH Outcomes: All OOH has the potential to be a networked portal system, whereby AR experiences are triggered at the physical format site.

2) The bridge between worlds

“80% of UK adults have made more contactless payments and 24% have made more mobile wallet payments since the beginning of the nationwide lockdown in response to COVID-19.” YouGov, Aug 2020

OOH is not just posters and screens; it is a TV, a gaming console, a content portal, a path to purchase, and much more in-between – and it is the marriage between mobile and OOH that forms the critical heartbeat of that versatility.

The computers we carry around with us enable in-the-moment responses… if the value exchange proposition and prompt is compelling enough.

By tethering our handsets to our OOH activity, we will see a continued acceleration of technologies that enable our advertising to be shoppable and COVID-safe.

Just as shoppable AR has become a reality for Snapchat, Adidas, Gucci, and Coty we expect further enhancements in computer vision, image recognition, contactless payments, image search, social shopping, and QR code familiarity to continue the explosion of response sub-channels within advertising.

OOH Outcomes: Shop-what-you-see! OOH brand performance will continue to grow using a suite of technologies that drive online behaviors from offline stimulus (e-commerce/interaction/search).

3) The on/off switch

“… the focus is more on brands being agile and using live data as it’s coming in to help make decisions on where to increase activity.” Kevin O’Farrell, associate vice-president, Analytic Partners May 2020

More than ever we need to provide clients with a new level of agility and flexibility for the DOOH medium. We are able to turn DOOH on and off like a light switch to ensure our clients are live when it’s the most important time for them.

The agility of our proprietary platform ECOS NOW also allows us to set up campaigns in advance, set the data trigger(s) in place, along with aspects like maximum budget to spend in a day or over a period of days so our clients can take advantage of upcoming key periods of sales.

This approach allows current and new clients to experience how DOOH can be a valuable medium to build fast awareness, to drive consumer response, and to be agile and reactive in market.

OOH Outcomes: a continued acceleration of data-driven and efficient automated buying models, developing at pace in line with market, societal, and behavioral fluctuations.

4) The green revolution

“Post-lockdown over two-thirds of Brits plan to lead a more sustainable life.” Targus’ Eco Trends Report Sept 2020

And we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in that we’ve all seen the positive environmental impact of pausing. And with that, consumer mindsets and values have changed.

According to a YouGov poll taken during lockdown, a massive 71% of people in the UK were concerned about the possibility of air pollution returning to the levels we had before the lockdown.

And of course, great leaps in technology, societal transformation, and innovation are ALWAYS borne out of crisis; so, finding new ways to heal our cities and communities is needed now more than ever.

As a media channel with a tangible physical presence in public spaces, the OOH industry has a significant role to play in this and we should expect the development and prototyping of multiple green technologies over the coming months, to include infrastructure technologies that clean the air, biotechnologies that push the agenda on green, alternative inks and production processes, and recycled paper and alternative biodegradable materials.

OOH Outcomes: The construction and integration of industry-defining innovations and processes to become commonplace, not a nice-to-have.

5) The local know-how

“A rapid transformation in the way we shop is changing the fortunes and reviving the culture of local commerce.” Anoosh Chakelian/Michael Goodier, The New Statesman Sept 2020

The physical shape of society has shifted. For many, where we live is now where we work, shop, exercise and play. And for most, our entire worlds have become smaller and decidedly local. This of course brings with it a shift in movement patterns and behavior – we built our Mobility Index to monitor these regional fluctuations and ensure we follow audiences on these new journeys.

Whilst we can’t predict ongoing regional tiering and restrictions, we can predict with absolute certainty that the need for brands to ensure localized tonality and activity is vital. Those brands that don’t ‘go dark’ but instead go ‘hyper-relevant’ will reap the benefits of adaption in favor of reduction.

OOH Outcomes: A robust data and insight-lead approach to planning will continue bringing confidence and certainty to regionally nuanced planning and creativity.


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