MarketingFive trends to improve customer experience in 2017

Five trends to improve customer experience in 2017

If your business is ready to improve its customer experience in 2017, here are our suggestions on the methods to focus on.

Customer experience is crucial for a successful business and as the trends change, so does the approach towards customers. What’s the best way to keep them satisfied?

It was a year full of interesting trends in customer experience and it’s time to evaluate the best ways to keep up with them and even find out the best ways to maintain a successful customer experience in 2017.

Customer experience is all about meeting your audience’s needs or even thinking in advance and delighting them with the right additions.

If your business is ready to improve its customer experience in 2017, here are our suggestions on the methods to focus on.


Data can offer valuable insights about your customers and they may transform the customer experience by understanding the behaviour of your audience.

Whether it’s an improved understanding of your demographics, a proper analysis of the customer journey, or even new ideas on how to improve your sales by tweaking the browsing experience, data can be your best ally to the challenge of improving the customer experience.


It’s once again the use of data that can help you offer a personalised experience for your audience and it may lead to surprising results if you manage to send the right message to the right person.

A tailored customer experience for your audience increases the chances of moving them further on the sales funnel and turning them into loyal customers.

How about taking advantage of your data from CRM along with their browsing habits to analyse the best ways to create a seamless experience for every new visitor?

Moreover, personalisation goes beyond your site, from your social accounts to your email campaigns, or even an in-store experience for retailers.

It’s all about knowing the customers’ needs, adopting a personal approach and thinking outside the box to excel in a customised experience for every single user.

Voice search

Digital assistants have been on the rise and we already noticed a significant growth in 2016. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant indicate how the future of voice search is shaping and it’s interesting to note that 60% of smartphone users using voice search started using it the past year.

Moreover, according to Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai, 1 in 5 searches made with the Google Android app in the US is a voice query, which signifies the rise of voice search among users.

This may be a great opportunity to improve customer experience and allow users to find faster what they are looking for.

The primary reason people use voice search is to access results when vision or hands are occupied, while the second most popular answer is the speed they can find results.


This means that brands have an exciting opportunity to improve their relationship with customers by being more helpful and offering them the answers they are looking for with the use of voice search. A closer analysis of their needs, their questions, their interests may lead to valuable insights.


Chatbots make another interesting addition to customer service and they have been widely used in 2016. We are expecting an even broader use in 2017, with brands taking advantage of the easy way to communicate with their customers and help them access what they want on each occasion.

Whether it’s an instant order, an answer to a question, or the access to data, receipts, or fights, chatbots may be your secret weapon to an improved customer experience. It’s an instant, fast and reliable way to bring a brand closer to its audience and it may even lead to further prospects.


Chatbots have been named a customer’s new best friend and this means that it may be time for your business to examine all the endless ways they can be used. As their goal is to improve the interaction with customers, they may also help them move across the sales funnel and complete a purchase (or any other desired action) in fewer steps, improving a brand’s effectiveness.

After all, if you can master their use, you already have an advantage over your competitors.

Omni-channel consistency

As a brand exists in multiple channels nowadays, it is also expected to offer a consistent customer experience to all of them. This may be challenging, but it’s also important for customers trying to have a question answered, or an order completed.

In fact, an inconsistent presence may even affect the customer journey and thus the brand’s effectiveness, simply because it hasn’t considered in the first place to equally monitor all platforms.

This may mean that if a brand is not able to offer an omni-channel consistency, it may be useful to focus on fewer platforms. It’s better to excel in two platforms than offer an average customer experience in five platforms.

Find the platforms your audience is, analyse their needs and their habits and spot the new opportunities that an improved customer experience may offer.

If 2017 is the year that your brand is ready to expand its customer experience, then you may scale up your effort by experimenting with new platforms, or new tactics that your target audience will appreciate.

Customer experience goes beyond trends

Remember, there’s no need to stick to the latest trends to offer an improved customer service. You may even evaluate your existing efforts and spot the gaps you can fill to keep your audience satisfied.

How can you improve the engagement, the satisfaction and eventually the sales?

Is there a platform that affects the customer journey? Do you really understand your audience?

Most of all, are you ready to focus on your audience to improve your brand’s presence?


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