Is it time to rethink your mobile measurements?

With the majority of web activity now occurring on mobile devices, knowing how well a brand performs on mobile is critical.

Last week, ClickZ and Urban Airship held a webinar on Rethinking Mobile Measurement: A New Approach to Achieving Success.

With the majority of web activity now occurring on mobile devices, knowing how well a brand performs on mobile is critical. But a poll question at the beginning (results kindly shared by Isabelle Canivet) showed that while over one-third (~38%) of participants have taken some action with their mobile data, it wasn’t that much.

A more concerning finding was that 22% said they didn’t even have access to it.

So what should marketers do to make the most of their mobile data?

Alyssa Meritt and Neel Banerjee from Urban Airship gave their actionable advice in the webinar which is now available on demand. Here are some of the key highlights…

What is your goal? What is the goal?

Traditional business drivers have been focused on creating revenue and brand awareness.

With mobile data, there are likely to be several types of stakeholders. Stakeholders may have some shared goals, but they will also have unique goals that need to be addressed.

As Neel Banerjee states, ‘The app is the marketing channel and the product.’ The key is to know what your app is supposed to do for your company and find what information can be linked to those goals.

This puts a focus on how you apply the data you have collected to one area, and also potentially apply it to other areas.

Be mindful of red herrings and canaries

Fact: Some data is more valuable than others. Some data can be misleading or distracting (red herrings) while other data can be an indication of what is working and what is not.

Red herrings and coal mine canaries - ClickZ and Urban Airship mobile measurement

Some companies select downloads as a KPI. While sometimes useful, downloads are often a red herring and a product of spending more money on building awareness of an app than an indicator of how well the app is bringing in and engaging customers.

Focusing on user retention is far more useful in the long-run. Different metrics can be used to indicate how users are interacting with your app and when they are converting. Such metrics may also include the use of predictive or machine learning, which uses past signals and user behaviors to help predict patterns and lifetime usage.

The customer lifecycle is more dynamic

Keep in mind that customers go through cycles of interest and boredom, and it is harder to retain the attention of app users in this day and age.

There is a greater need for companies to think about the next point in the customer lifecycle once they have acquired a customer. Some tactics for the various stages included:

  • Acquire the customer: Get the customer excited from the beginning.
  • Build the relationship: Provide different content that continually engages the user.
  • Convert/retain: Use core data to bring the user back before they become inactive.
  • Win back: Employ behavior pattern data that can bring users back; this takes some planning.

How are customers responding? Use signals, insights and triggers

Applying the use of signals, insights and triggers is helpful in understanding the ebbs and flows throughout the customer lifecycle.

The actions (signals) a customer takes within the app shows the user’s interests and preferences. Utilizing this knowledge enables a you to apply a trigger that will encourage the app user to perform a specific action. This could include revisiting the app, or feeding content to the user.

Using the convert/retain segment of the lifecycle as an example, the average retention rates of an app is 20%. Apps with a much higher retention rate supply more relevant and personalized content to their users through the use of signals.


Interested in learning more about measuring performance on mobile? Then watch The Rethinking Mobile Measurement Webinar on demand.

For more information on how you can get involved with the ClickZ Webinar Series, please contact [email protected].


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