SocialSurvey: Social media, marketing and the impact of the news

Survey: Social media, marketing and the impact of the news

As governments and social media platforms lock horns on news placements, we’re asking marketers for their opinion on how the issue will shape their strategies

India and Canada are just two nations whose governments are said to be discussing the possibility of requiring Facebook to pay to publish news stories – a growing international narrative that brings into question the position of social media platforms as a content distributor.

As the discussion heats up, we at ClickZ seek to build a full picture of how marketers are shaping their campaigns, and how attitudes are changing towards social media more broadly.

Click here to complete the short survey now, the results of which will be published in a report soon.


US Mobile Streaming Behavior

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US Mobile Streaming Behavior

Streaming has become a staple of US media-viewing habits. Streaming video, however, still comes with a variety of pesky frustrations that viewers are ...

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Winning the Data Game: Digital Analytics Tactics for Media Groups

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Winning the Data Game: Digital Analytics Tactics f...

Data is the lifeblood of so many companies today. You need more of it, all of which at higher quality, and all the meanwhile being compliant with data...

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Learning to win the talent war: how digital marketing can develop its people

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This report documents the findings of a Fireside chat held by ClickZ in the first quarter of 2022. It provides expert insight on how companies can ret...

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The 2023 B2B Superpowers Index

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The 2023 B2B Superpowers Index

The Merkle B2B 2023 Superpowers Index outlines what drives competitive advantage within the business culture and subcultures that are critical to succ...

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