Content & ExperienceTech Talk with MarketMuse: What a content intelligence solution can do for your marketing

Tech Talk with MarketMuse: What a content intelligence solution can do for your marketing

Jeff Coyle from MarketMuse explains what a content intelligence solution can do for your marketing efforts and how it can increase your bottom line.

30-second summary:

  • 65% of readers think most online written content is useless.
  • Learn how to gain an objective lens on content quality and comprehensiveness.
  • Goal-based and risk-based planning allow for better, more competitive content.
  • Discover how MarketMuse can help increase efficiency rates up to 50%.

MarketMuse is a content intelligence solution that sets the standard for content quality. And has been solving content strategy challenges for six years.

The development of high-quality trustworthy and truly effective content is the most significant challenge marketing teams face today.

MarketMuse drives the cost of content creation and optimization down while significantly increasing the effectiveness. MarketMuse tells you where you are today and provides clear insights and paths to achieve content goals successfully.

The average content team produces less than 20% of content that hits on the business’s core KPIs. And they do this with wasteful inefficient processes for research, planning, briefing, writing, editing, publishing and optimization.

A study by Content Science found 65% of readers think web content is a hit or miss. Content teams are building low quality failing content as their normal and they are spending too much money to research, write and optimize it.

It’s billions of dollars of waste. And readers really don’t trust it.

Create content people actually want to read

MarketMuse focuses on enabling content teams through data insights, prioritization, and implementation to the level of all aspects of content creation and optimization.

Enterprise companies, publishers, B2B technology companies, ecommerce, agencies, even affiliate marketers all have a place at MarketMuse. The main question to ask is: do you know the value of content? And do you want more of yours to be successful?

MarketMuse’s patented AI technology is able to process tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of content items in seconds to provide an objective lens on content quality and comprehensiveness.

By using that model for what it means to be an expert on any topic it is applied to common workflows during content research planning, authoring, editing, and optimization.

How MarketMuse can help you improve content creation

MarketMuse is the only in-market solution that tells you how difficult it will be for you to rank on a topic and how much authority you have on that topic. Their software is able to do this through the use of their state-of-the-art clustering technology.

This technology is able to determine high opportunity pages and provide greater metrics for advanced predictability.

We can combine things like breadth and depth of coverage, quality comprehensiveness, and even momentum to tell you how much investment is needed to succeed in any competitive landscape.

To quickly discover MarketMuse’s offerings, you can also view their Tech Talk below:Tech Talk with MarketMuse: What a content intelligence solution can do for your marketing

Benefits of MarketMuse’s technology

Their technology sets guidelines for an outline and narrative for writers. Content briefs create a single source of truth for your writers, so they know what’s expected. They know what content performs consistently and your editors will have less feedback cycles.

MarketMuse also is the only first-in-class solution for natural language generation (NLG) for content marketers. It’s the most innovative solution in the NLG technology landscape specifically for marketers.

Goal-based planning

Are there topics that you want to grow against?

Or things that you have in 2021 you want to own?

Maybe there are situations where you know you’ve lost ground against a particular topic and you need to recover.

It can also be used for risk-based plans.

You have a competitive situation where competitors increase their effectiveness or increase the amount of content they’re creating and optimizing.

Or maybe you have a page that you haven’t updated in years, but you’re afraid to. You don’t know explicitly what you should do, how you should create it, how you should support it with a cluster of content or whether it just needs to be updated.

Maybe you’re just taking orders. You’re a marketing services organization internally and you want to put your best foot forward, every time you hit the publish button.

No matter what the situation is, MarketMuse supports content planning that fits your organization.

Focusing on the full content process MarketMuse accelerates research, planning, briefing, writing, editing, publishing, optimization, and reporting insights as to what you should create and update every time.

Clients typically see a 3-4x increase in their efficiencies, fewer feedback cycles and more successful content more of the time.

They have teams that go from five percent efficiency rates, all the way up to 40 and 50%. That means for every hundred articles they published last year they were only getting five that hit their expectations. Now they’re doing 40 or 50. They’re able to get more content published for less overall investment and have more success while they do it.

Our technology sits between content operations and management platforms and search engine optimization analytics platforms. It’s frequently cited as the missing piece of both of those types of platforms.

MarketMuse pricing

Pricing is closely connected to the number of sites, size of the team, and content creation and optimization cadence of our clients. Client annual investment ranges are between 6000 a year and a half a million.

But midsized teams invest $20-30,000 in their first year and expand after experiencing the efficiency gains and performance impacts that I mentioned.

Onboarding for specific and individual end-users can be very quick, but we also cover team onboarding if it’s needed. So, we can work it into your common workflows. We do clear role-based onboarding when teams need it.

You’ll want to bring your content marketers, your SEO team, your editorial team, and your writers to these onboarding sessions as well as agency contacts if that’s part of your team dynamic.

Check out MarketMuse’s Tech Talk here for a more in-depth look at their offering.

Abhishek Shah is the co-founder of Ally Digital Media, a leading voice in digital media and marketing. He advocates for evidence-based marketing strategies to fuel the businesses. He can be found on Twitter @abiishek.


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