Reward The Complainers

Reward The Complainers

25y Nick Usborne

Reward The Complainers

How do you handle the customers who complain? Nick says you should love them up, because they can be among your most loyal customers if you respond to...

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The Importance Of Being Honest

The Importance Of Being Honest

25y Nick Usborne

The Importance Of Being Honest

You can get away with being a tad less than truthful if you're a telemarketer, write direct mail, or hawk your waves on radio or TV. But if you step o...

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Loving Email: Let Me Count the Ways...

Loving Email: Let Me Count the Ways...

25y Barry Silverstein

Loving Email: Let Me Count the Ways...

How does Barry love email? Let him count the ways that email marketing can fulfill your online objectives. Read More...

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Email Marketing: One User's View

Email Marketing: One User's View

25y Dave Olson

Email Marketing: One User's View

Psst....wanna get an insider's view of email marketing? Click here! Read More...

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Different Strokes For Different Folks

Different Strokes For Different Folks

25y Nick Usborne

Different Strokes For Different Folks

When Nick and Marco sit down to create a web site they disagree. Nick sees the site through the eyes of a "newbie." Marco has the perspective of a sea...

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Lessons From An Original

Lessons From An Original

25y Nick Usborne

Lessons From An Original

What's originality worth on the Net? In Nick's mind...a whole lot. Especially if you are one of the biggest portals... which grow blander and less dif...

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The Numbers Behind E-Mail

The Numbers Behind E-Mail

25y Michael Pastore

The Numbers Behind E-Mail

It is widely accepted that e-mail is the most popular Internet application. Research done by The Yankee Group found that there are 263 million e-mailb...

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The Smell of Success

The Smell of Success

25y Nick Usborne

The Smell of Success

Must an offline and online presence be mutually exclusive? Or can they co-exist beautifully, fully integrated and vested in the other's success? Nick ...

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Steering Clear Of The Bleeding Edge

Steering Clear Of The Bleeding Edge

25y Nick Usborne

Steering Clear Of The Bleeding Edge

You might say to Nick, "Hey, smarty-pants, if I'm going to back off from the edge, how am I supposed to compete with the big guys?" His recommendation...

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Email Marketing Done Right

Email Marketing Done Right

25y Steve Markowitz

Email Marketing Done Right

Email marketing is indeed the killer app for the new year. But only if it is done right. Steve Markowitz offers up the key components of effective ema...

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Sick To Death

Sick To Death

25y Nick Usborne

Sick To Death

Is Nick Usborne the only one among us irritated by the endless discussions about the "death" of banner ads? Banner ads aren't dead...they are simply p...

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Complain Like Hell Again!

Complain Like Hell Again!

25y Nick Usborne

Complain Like Hell Again!

Two companies...two radically different approaches to dealing with customer complaints. Which one do you want to do business with? Read More...

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The Dark Side of E-mail Marketing

The Dark Side of E-mail Marketing

25y Tom Hespos

The Dark Side of E-mail Marketing

Let's talk about the concept of our "email intimacy"...and use it to show how e-mail marketing can screw up your online brand. Needless to say, this w...

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Killing The Killer App

Killing The Killer App

25y Nick Usborne

Killing The Killer App

Nick Usborne loves his emailbox...his discussion lists, his ezines and newsletters, his notes from his family and friends and colleagues.... The conne...

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What Makes Buyers Tick...And Click?

What Makes Buyers Tick...And Click?

25y Deborah Kania

What Makes Buyers Tick...And Click?

Well, the much-anticipated holiday '98 season is here. The season that has made online merchants eager to realize the growth in online buying over las...

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Welcome To My World!

Welcome To My World!

25y Nick Usborne

Welcome To My World!

How good are we at welcoming newcomers to the internet? Yes, we have those "First Time Visitors" buttons on our sites. But we could do a whole lot bet...

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Fresh Fish Sold Here!

Fresh Fish Sold Here!

25y Nick Usborne

Fresh Fish Sold Here!

Writers on the 'net are still trying to catch up. Read More

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The 'Killer App' That's Missing From The Web

The 'Killer App' That's Missing From The Web

25y Nick Usborne

The 'Killer App' That's Missing From T...

I know, everyone claims to have identified the latest 'killer app. Read More...

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11 Words Or Less

11 Words Or Less

25y Nick Usborne

11 Words Or Less

Here's the plan. Read More

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