Retailers are competing with banks for top spots in credit card search rankings

Insights Retailers are competing with banks for top spots in credit card search rankings

4y Emily Alford

Retailers are competing with banks for top spots i...

Retailers go toe-to-toe with banks as Adthena ranks SEM performance for companies across the credit card search landscape. Read More...

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Stop wasting your data: Turn IP data into marketing dollars

Data & Analytics Stop wasting your data: Turn IP data into marketing dollars

4y Emily Alford

Stop wasting your data: Turn IP data into marketin...

Learn how smart retailers are keeping track of IP data to set their brands apart with better messaging, more personalized experiences, and increased s...

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How to use buyer intent data for better sales and marketing alignment

Data & Analytics How to use buyer intent data for better sales and marketing alignment

4y Emily Alford

How to use buyer intent data for better sales and ...

For marketers, harnessing the power of buyer intent data can mean better lead generation, increased conversions, and long-term customer retention. Rea...

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Four secrets of the data-driven CMO

Strategy & Leadership Four secrets of the data-driven CMO

4y Emily Alford

Four secrets of the data-driven CMO

What does a data-driven CMO do to stand out from the rest? Top behaviors based on insights from Domo about how to become more data-driven and successf...

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As shoppers flock to Amazon, the role of search is changing

Industry Developments As shoppers flock to Amazon, the role of search is changing

4y Emily Alford

As shoppers flock to Amazon, the role of search is...

68% of shoppers visited Amazon to research, compare, and purchase online, up from 50% last year. Key research findings on the changing role of search....

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Top jobs in digital marketing for 2019 and beyond

Digital Marketing Top jobs in digital marketing for 2019 and beyond

4y Emily Alford

Top jobs in digital marketing for 2019 and beyond

From Content Strategist to Paid Search Analyst, Email Marketer to SEO Analyst, here are some of the top jobs in digital marketing for 2019, as well as...

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False promises: How marketers can tell the difference between AI and automation

AI & Automation False promises: How marketers can tell the difference between AI and automation

4y Emily Alford

False promises: How marketers can tell the differe...

Spotting the difference between AI and automation can be tricky, especially when dealing with tech vendors. Here's an overview of what AI can and can'...

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"Marketing's new M.O." and the power of "data-driven creative"

Strategies "Marketing's new M.O." and the power of "data-driven creative"

4y Emily Alford

"Marketing's new M.O." and the power of "data-driv...

In a new report from Domo, senior marketers weigh in on: too many metrics, long- vs short-term, and the power of "data-driven creative" instead of hav...

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Consumers expect high EQ from brands, especially for purchases >$100

Ecommerce Consumers expect high EQ from brands, especially for purchases >$100

4y Emily Alford

Consumers expect high EQ from brands, especially f...

Brand EQ means recognizing a buyer’s emotional state and communicating accordingly. The more consumers plan to spend, the more they expect that experi...

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Avatars in advertising: Why Gucci used Genies to appeal to Gen Z

Industry Developments Avatars in advertising: Why Gucci used Genies to appeal to Gen Z

4y Emily Alford

Avatars in advertising: Why Gucci used Genies to a...

“Current day digital marketing primarily consists of monotonous and passive scrolling through newsfeeds and ads, but marketers should be looking at th...

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How will deepfakes in influencer marketing affect brands?

Ethical marketing How will deepfakes in influencer marketing affect brands?

4y Emily Alford

How will deepfakes in influencer marketing affect ...

Deepfake technology is taking influencer marketing to a whole new level, and means trust and transparency will become even higher priority for brands....

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Forrester B2C commerce suites: What made the winners stand out

Marketing Technology Forrester B2C commerce suites: What made the winners stand out

4y Emily Alford

Forrester B2C commerce suites: What made the winne...

SAP and Salesforce were the top-ranked leaders in the Forrester B2C Commerce Suites report, thanks to impactful experience, operational efficiency, an...

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The personalized CRM: Why current tools aren’t giving sales reps the insight they need, and how an improved CRM changes the game

CRM The personalized CRM: Why current tools aren’t giving sales reps the insight they need, and how an improved CRM changes the game

4y Emily Alford

The personalized CRM: Why current tools aren’t giv...

Traditional CRMs haven’t kept pace with the changing buying process. A look into how current tools are failing, and how a more personalized CRM improv...

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Personalization strategy 101: A crawl, walk, run approach

Digital Transformation Personalization strategy 101: A crawl, walk, run approach

4y Emily Alford

Personalization strategy 101: A crawl, walk, run a...

Two-thirds of customers could not recall when a brand last exceeded their expectations -- yet 87% of marketers think they are delivering engaging cust...

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Is it time to upgrade your sales tech stack?

More News Is it time to upgrade your sales tech stack?

4y Emily Alford

Is it time to upgrade your sales tech stack?

A better tech stack can help your marketing and sales teams by adding increased productivity, faster problem solving, and more accurate planning for t...

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How Hyatt, Nissan, and Sony use Adobe Experience Manager to create personalized content at scale

Digital Marketing How Hyatt, Nissan, and Sony use Adobe Experience Manager to create personalized content at scale

4y Emily Alford

How Hyatt, Nissan, and Sony use Adobe Experience M...

Real world examples of brands that use Adobe Experience Manager, and how its implementation resolved the challenges they faced around CX, content, and...

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Five simple (and effective) chatbot builders

Emerging Technology Five simple (and effective) chatbot builders

4y Emily Alford

Five simple (and effective) chatbot builders

Many brands are using chatbots to answer common customer service-related questions, record customer preferences, and improve business branding. Read M...

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Practical personalization: Adobe’s tips for creating meaningful moments with AI and automation

AI & Automation Practical personalization: Adobe’s tips for creating meaningful moments with AI and automation

4y Emily Alford

Practical personalization: Adobe’s tips for creati...

Adobe's group product marketing manager Drew Burns shares five key tips for personalization and how marketers can use AI and machine learning through ...

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Offline video ads are a revenue opportunity most video providers are missing

Video Marketing Offline video ads are a revenue opportunity most video providers are missing

4y Emily Alford

Offline video ads are a revenue opportunity most v...

Forrester found that two-thirds of Americans don’t mind watching ads accompanying free content, and 72% would rather watch video content containing ad...

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"Data complexity" is one of the biggest challenges for marketers right now, and current tools aren't helping enough

Data & Analytics "Data complexity" is one of the biggest challenges for marketers right now, and current tools aren't helping enough

4y Emily Alford

"Data complexity" is one of the biggest challenges...

In a recent survey, a third of marketers cited “data complexity” as their biggest obstacle to more effective use of marketing intelligence technology....

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Predictive modeling: What it is and how it can improve your marketing strategy

Marketing Technology Predictive modeling: What it is and how it can improve your marketing strategy

4y Emily Alford

Predictive modeling: What it is and how it can imp...

Key findings from a recent survey on predictive modeling in marketing. Nearly half of respondents (45.4%) said their current decision making is “usefu...

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"Video is the future of marketing." But what video do people actually want to watch?

Video Marketing "Video is the future of marketing." But what video do people actually want to watch?

4y Emily Alford

"Video is the future of marketing." But what video...

Too often, video content can be irrelevant, annoying, and impossible to escape. Marketers looking to make video content should be concerned, first and...

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The rise of podcast advertising: 32% of Americans are tuning in

Industry Developments The rise of podcast advertising: 32% of Americans are tuning in

4y Emily Alford

The rise of podcast advertising: 32% of Americans ...

Research shows that about 144 million people in the US are listening to podcasts in 2019. And podcast advertising earns 4.4x better recall than other ...

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How does a multichannel marketing strategy improve revenue, retention, and conversion?

Multichannel How does a multichannel marketing strategy improve revenue, retention, and conversion?

4y Emily Alford

How does a multichannel marketing strategy improve...

Benefits of a multichannel marketing strategy include a 15-35% revenue lift, 46% increase in app retention, and a 49% increase in conversion. Read Mor...

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Building customer relationships with strategic video marketing: Expert tips from our latest webinar

Video Marketing Building customer relationships with strategic video marketing: Expert tips from our latest webinar

4y Emily Alford

Building customer relationships with strategic vid...

63% of businesses were using video as a marketing tool at the beginning of 2017. By 2019, that number had risen to 87%. Expert tips for your video mar...

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Connecting martech and adtech for improved customer experience

Display Advertising Connecting martech and adtech for improved customer experience

4y Emily Alford

Connecting martech and adtech for improved custome...

48% of US marketers believed brands deliver excellent customer experiences -- while only 22% of US consumers agreed. Adopting martech that works with ...

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The ROI of multi-touch attribution models: One company saved >$250k in Google Ads spend

Data & Analytics The ROI of multi-touch attribution models: One company saved >$250k in Google Ads spend

4y Emily Alford

The ROI of multi-touch attribution models: One com...

Up to two-thirds of marketers don't use multi-touch attribution models, as of August 2018. When e-learning company Avado switched from last-touch to M...

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