Has Gen Z killed channel marketing or redefined it?

Has Gen Z killed channel marketing or redefined it?

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Has Gen Z killed channel marketing or redefined it...

With the advent of social platforms, apps, and the accepted practice of multichannel publishing that fluidly translates across multiple devices, did G...

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4 E.A.S.Y opportunities you must master before 2016

4 E.A.S.Y opportunities you must master before 2016

8y Jeanniey Mullen

4 E.A.S.Y opportunities you must master before 201...

Creating consumer-centric experiences and solutions can be "easy" and will help separate the winners from the losers in 2016. Read More...

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Marketing Automation: A Lesson in Irony

Marketing Automation: A Lesson in Irony

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Marketing Automation: A Lesson in Irony

Though automatic by nature, automated marketing technology still requires a degree of monitoring. This explains why it's critical for marketers to man...

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The End of an Era: One-to-One Marketing Is Dead

The End of an Era: One-to-One Marketing Is Dead

8y Jeanniey Mullen

The End of an Era: One-to-One Marketing Is Dead

You can understand the objectives for current marketing tactics by studying the evolutionary patterns of its predecessors. Are one-to-one marketing st...

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Keys to Strong Marketing Networking: It's Not Just For the B2B Marketer

Keys to Strong Marketing Networking: It's Not Just For the B2B Marketer

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Keys to Strong Marketing Networking: It's Not Just...

Networking is integral to effective marketing strategies, and both B2B and B2C marketers need this skill to increase revenue and brand awareness. Here...

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Leveraging Children May Win Adult Marketshare

Leveraging Children May Win Adult Marketshare

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Leveraging Children May Win Adult Marketshare

Whether they gave products to YouTube celebrities or put an ad by the Sunday comics, some marketers have found that targeting kids is a great way to e...

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The Four Keys to Power in Email

The Four Keys to Power in Email

8y Jeanniey Mullen

The Four Keys to Power in Email

By integrating the four keys to your email messaging strategy, you will ensure a productive, profitable and positive email experience for all. Read Mo...

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6 Critical Tips for Marketing to the Marketer

6 Critical Tips for Marketing to the Marketer

8y Jeanniey Mullen

6 Critical Tips for Marketing to the Marketer

Give their line of work, marketers are difficult people to market to. Good subject lines and knowing when to leave cold call pitches on voicemail (nev...

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Did You Blog, Read or Share This Column?

Did You Blog, Read or Share This Column?

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Did You Blog, Read or Share This Column?

Limiting options and using emotion, rather than evaluation, can help create marketing magic: what happens when marketing crosses with psychology. Read...

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Popcorn Time: What I Learned While Traveling For Work

Popcorn Time: What I Learned While Traveling For Work

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Popcorn Time: What I Learned While Traveling For W...

During a business trip, this columnist decided to keep her mouth closed, and her eyes and ears open. The importance of customer service and innovation...

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How Advertising Can Benefit From the 'Sharing Economy'

How Advertising Can Benefit From the 'Sharing Economy'

8y Jeanniey Mullen

How Advertising Can Benefit From the 'Sharing Econ...

Could the sharing economy be the next way for marketers to boost brand loyalty? Read More...

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Secrets of the Successful CMO

Secrets of the Successful CMO

8y Jeanniey Mullen

Secrets of the Successful CMO

Follow these seven tips to emulate the characteristics of the most successful chief marketing officers in the industry. Read More...

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#ISHOW: The Omnichannel Marketing Secret

#ISHOW: The Omnichannel Marketing Secret

9y Jeanniey Mullen

#ISHOW: The Omnichannel Marketing Secret

Marketers today need to weave together the best marketing channels in order to create the most effective omnichannel strategy. Here's a clever acronym...

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Are Brands Robbing Publishers for Profits?

Are Brands Robbing Publishers for Profits?

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Are Brands Robbing Publishers for Profits?

Are publishers using their content in new ways to attract brands, or are brands leveraging publisher content to help them monetize and profit? Read Mo...

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The $5 Marketing Plan

The $5 Marketing Plan

9y Jeanniey Mullen

The $5 Marketing Plan

Can you really make a marketing impact with only $5? Here's a plan to help you do just that. Read More...

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Breakthrough: Use Millennial Marketing to Reach Boomers

Breakthrough: Use Millennial Marketing to Reach Boomers

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Breakthrough: Use Millennial Marketing to Reach Bo...

How can you use the same tactics to reach both Millennial consumers and Baby Boomers? Read More...

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Programmatic: More Than Just a Media Buy

Programmatic: More Than Just a Media Buy

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Programmatic: More Than Just a Media Buy

Programmatic technology can be used for more than just media buying. It also allows marketers to test in a whole new way. Read More...

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One-to-One Marketing: What Works Now and What Is Still Evolving

One-to-One Marketing: What Works Now and What Is Still Evolving

9y Jeanniey Mullen

One-to-One Marketing: What Works Now and What Is S...

As marketers are given more and more ways to collect data about consumers, one-to-one marketing is on the verge of massive transformation. Read More...

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Email Marketing: What Parts of It Are Dead and What Parts Are Very Much Alive

Email Marketing: What Parts of It Are Dead and What Parts Are Very Much Alive

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Email Marketing: What Parts of It Are Dead and Wha...

As we kick off the new year it's time to look at email marketing as a whole and realize that although some parts are changing and dying off, most face...

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Marketing’s Secret Weapon: Your Birthday

Marketing’s Secret Weapon: Your Birthday

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Marketing’s Secret Weapon: Your Birthday

One of the most powerful ways to connect with consumers is to market to them on their birthdays. Are you taking advantage of this? Read More...

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Marketing in 2014: Crisis or Breakthrough?

Marketing in 2014: Crisis or Breakthrough?

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Marketing in 2014: Crisis or Breakthrough?

This past year saw many changes in the world of marketing. Should it be viewed as a time of crisis or a time of innovation? Read More...

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5 Ways to Create Marketing Magic

5 Ways to Create Marketing Magic

9y Jeanniey Mullen

5 Ways to Create Marketing Magic

When you don't have a lot of time and can't spend a lot of money, these five ways can help boost your marketing efforts. Read More...

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Has Digital Saved the Book Publishing Industry?

Has Digital Saved the Book Publishing Industry?

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Has Digital Saved the Book Publishing Industry?

In the past few years there have been many technological changes that have greatly impacted the book publishing industry. Are they helping or harming?...

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Extend Your Publishing Brand by Allowing an Entrepreneur to Take You to New Heights

Extend Your Publishing Brand by Allowing an Entrepreneur to Take You to New Heights

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Extend Your Publishing Brand by Allowing an Entrep...

Tapping members of a younger generation to innovate around your brand could breathe new life into an aging company. Here's an example of one such entr...

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Warning: Your Smartphone May Cause Career Limitations

Warning: Your Smartphone May Cause Career Limitations

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Warning: Your Smartphone May Cause Career Limitati...

Even though you may feel the need to be constantly connected, replying to emails early in the morning or late at night could lead to costly career mis...

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The 99% Reality: Online Marketing Is Broken, Migrate Toward Wearables

The 99% Reality: Online Marketing Is Broken, Migrate Toward Wearables

9y Jeanniey Mullen

The 99% Reality: Online Marketing Is Broken, Migra...

Low conversion rates are generally expected in online marketing campaigns these days. But the rise of wearables may change that - do you have a wearab...

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Wearable Publishing: Early Days Show Strong Opportunities

Wearable Publishing: Early Days Show Strong Opportunities

9y Jeanniey Mullen

Wearable Publishing: Early Days Show Strong Opport...

Wearables offer publishers the opportunity to make a one-to-one connection with consumers. Here are three scenarios which offer brands the chance to c...

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