Upgradeability, Extensibility, and the Re-Sale Market

Upgradeability, Extensibility, and the Re-Sale Market

9y Jack Aaronson

Upgradeability, Extensibility, and the Re-Sale Mar...

It's a shame that more industries, like the Certified Pre-Owned car industry, don't give second owners the extensibilty they expect. Without the possi...

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The Isolation of Social Media

The Isolation of Social Media

10y Jack Aaronson

The Isolation of Social Media

As younger generations grow increasingly dependent on isolating technology to stay in touch, perhaps a new breed of social media services that aim to ...

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It’s OK for the Old Dinosaurs to Die

It’s OK for the Old Dinosaurs to Die

10y Jack Aaronson

It’s OK for the Old Dinosaurs to Die

If cable companies can modernize and improve their customer service, they will be on their way to competing with the more modern companies. But contin...

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3 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out For in 2014

3 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out For in 2014

10y Jack Aaronson

3 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out For in 201...

With 2013 completely behind us, it's time to set your sights on upcoming digital marketing trends; some new, but others familiar and evolving. Read Mo...

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Google Glass: Half Empty or Half Full?

Google Glass: Half Empty or Half Full?

10y Jack Aaronson

Google Glass: Half Empty or Half Full?

Google Glass has very few "applications" as we know them. Columnist Jack Aaronson shares his experience using Google Glass and contemplates the marke...

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Interactive Wireframing Comes of Age

Interactive Wireframing Comes of Age

10y Jack Aaronson

Interactive Wireframing Comes of Age

If you are still making plain old static wireframes, it's time to start adding life to them: a clearer understanding of your project's flow will save ...

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Proactive vs. Reactive Customer Service

Proactive vs. Reactive Customer Service

10y Jack Aaronson

Proactive vs. Reactive Customer Service

Smart consumers now expect companies to be proactive to their needs and smart companies are stepping up to the plate and surpassing customer expectati...

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Boost the ROI of Tech Product Demos with 'Wow' Factor

Boost the ROI of Tech Product Demos with 'Wow' Factor

10y Jack Aaronson

Boost the ROI of Tech Product Demos with 'Wow' Fac...

Do your technology product demos answer the needs of your prospects, or leave them looking for a quick exit? Learn how to add WOW factor to your demos...

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Rapid Development for Mobile Apps

Rapid Development for Mobile Apps

10y Jack Aaronson

Rapid Development for Mobile Apps

Maintaining a multi-platform mobile app can quickly become a nightmare, and building/maintaining this app is certainly not "rapid" by any stretch of t...

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Usability vs. Design

Usability vs. Design

10y Jack Aaronson

Usability vs. Design

Both good design and an eye toward usability are necessary for a design to work. Read More...

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Multi-Channel Inventory and Customer Loyalty

Multi-Channel Inventory and Customer Loyalty

10y Jack Aaronson

Multi-Channel Inventory and Customer Loyalty

If you've spent a ton of money to make multi-channel user experiences possible, why not spend the time to tighten up the procedures that will ensure t...

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Don't Shoot Yourself in the Foot

Don't Shoot Yourself in the Foot

10y Jack Aaronson

Don't Shoot Yourself in the Foot

If you are a mom-and-pop shop, are you shooting yourself in the foot because you haven't done a redesign since the HTML5 revolution? Read More...

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What Does Personalization Mean in 2013?

What Does Personalization Mean in 2013?

10y Jack Aaronson

What Does Personalization Mean in 2013?

Today personalization is reaching beyond its simple roots and finding more useful purposes…and connected devices are getting in on the action. Read Mo...

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Beta Tests: Too Late for a Redesign?

Beta Tests: Too Late for a Redesign?

10y Jack Aaronson

Beta Tests: Too Late for a Redesign?

In your design ad development phases, do you make room for the ability to make drastic changes late in the game? Read More...

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Small Town Businesses Meet Global Competition

Competition Small Town Businesses Meet Global Competition

10y Jack Aaronson

Small Town Businesses Meet Global Competition

How can mom-and-pop shops compete against large companies that will always rank higher in Google search? Read More...

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Vine and You

Vine and You

10y Jack Aaronson

Vine and You

Why businesses should really jump on the Vine bandwagon. Read More

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How Marketers Can Use Lenticular Printing in Ad Campaigns

How Marketers Can Use Lenticular Printing in Ad Campaigns

10y Jack Aaronson

How Marketers Can Use Lenticular Printing in Ad Ca...

What would the possibilities be if you could show two entirely different ads based on vantage point? Read More...

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How Ajax Saved Us Money During Scope Creep

How Ajax Saved Us Money During Scope Creep

11y Jack Aaronson

How Ajax Saved Us Money During Scope Creep

While the benefits of using Ajax typically come in the form of enhanced user experience, there is more under the covers of this paradigm that leads to...

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Google Glass and the Future of Customer Service and Usability Testing

Google Glass and the Future of Customer Service and Usability Testing

11y Jack Aaronson

Google Glass and the Future of Customer Service an...

The possibilities for Google Glass are limitless, assuming Google provides an API that makes programming these types of applications easy. Read More...

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Caching in on Internet Memes

Caching in on Internet Memes

11y Jack Aaronson

Caching in on Internet Memes

How can your brand cleverly insert itself into these new viral phenomena? Read More...

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Putting the 'Person' Back Into 'Personalization'

Putting the 'Person' Back Into 'Personalization'

11y Jack Aaronson

Putting the 'Person' Back Into 'Personalization'

Remember, there is nothing more personal than the connection two people have when talking, sharing ideas, and helping each other. Read More...

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2013: The Year of Reinvention

2013: The Year of Reinvention

11y Jack Aaronson

2013: The Year of Reinvention

If a movie theater chain can reinvent movie watching, surely you can take a stern look at your own business and see how to kick it up a notch in 2013....

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Starting Anew in 2013: Learning From the Mayans

Starting Anew in 2013: Learning From the Mayans

11y Jack Aaronson

Starting Anew in 2013: Learning From the Mayans

Let's take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to honor the cycling of the Mayan calendar (as well as our own new year) and apply some Mayan lessons t...

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Why Vendors Need Better Targeted Marketing

Why Vendors Need Better Targeted Marketing

11y Jack Aaronson

Why Vendors Need Better Targeted Marketing

When you market are you doing it in a format that shows off your strengths and uniquely represents your services? Read More...

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Adding the Wow Factor

Adding the Wow Factor

11y Jack Aaronson

Adding the Wow Factor

If you don't have a wow factor, how do you expect to compete in a marketplace dominated by companies striving for something better than just the statu...

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The ROI of Employees Is Just As Important

The ROI of Employees Is Just As Important

11y Jack Aaronson

The ROI of Employees Is Just As Important

Are you stopping your own growth by preventing your staff from living up to their potential within your company? Read More...

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Do You Roku?

Do You Roku?

11y Jack Aaronson

Do You Roku?

It may be time to learn about this new device because new owners are going to be looking for content channels. Read More...

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