Three digital dilemmas that are really opportunities

Marketers can begin to work on solutions to achieve new levels of consumer value, satisfaction, and engagement by addressing these three digital dilemmas.

Marketers can begin to work on solutions to achieve new levels of consumer value, satisfaction, and engagement by addressing these three digital dilemmas.

Dilemmas are coupled with resolutions abound this time of year, which is evident by the overcrowding of gyms right now. But if you happen to be wearing rose colored glasses, dilemmas are really just another way of saying new opportunities.

This year, digital marketers have more dilemmas (and new opportunities) to consider and address than ever before. The following three dilemmas represent vast opportunities for this year and beyond:

1. Actionable data

Data is perhaps the top digital dilemma for almost every marketing team, as it drives every digital experience. It is the foundational element needed to deliver contextual consumer experiences that generate action. In order to enable and activate data, it must be understandable and accessible. The majority of marketers still face data inadequacy and latency.

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Warning: The dilemma becomes even more daunting as more data sources emerge daily. They are expanding every minute with the connected human, connected home, and connected car – to name just a few.

The solution?

  1. Audit existing data to identify sources, attributes, and gaps.
  2. Once these have been identified, outline strategies to fill the gaps, and make the new data accessible and timely for cross-channel communications.

This should be an ongoing process with periodic audits. Doing so will help to define new sources to cultivate data from and align it with opportunities that put the uncovered data into action.

2. Consumer expectations

Consumers are quickly becoming accustomed to experiences that deliver value to their individual lives in the moment. Entirely new business models are being created with more real-time, contextual communication. The real differentiator is data that works as the underlying driver of consumer value.

Think of the different expectations consumers have for taxis versus Uber or Lyft. Consumers are willing to trade their personal information and location for a better experience. This trade of data for experience relies on a clear consumer value proposition and, of course, delivering on that promise.

Understanding heightened consumer expectations across all industries is a key first step in addressing this immense opportunity for disruption. A great consumer experience can become viral, so expect a good digital experience in another industry to find its way to your realm soon.

The solution?

  1. Look across competitive and aspirational consumer experiences to understand existing expectations.
  2. Audit the customer lifecycle and define use cases that will deliver value and clear differentiation to the end consumer.
  3. Test the impact of new experiences that deliver on heightened expectations – and even aim to exceed them.

3. Micro moments

The here and now is everything – we deal in split seconds as marketers and consumers, taking full advantage of digital moments. Time is the truly valued currency. We need to respect it by optimizing across every consumer experience to provide valuable information at each micro moment.


Amazon is a retailer that understands the value of a consumer’s micro moment. By delivering on the consumer’s need for speed and value, the ecommerce platform established a one-click purchase path. Many other industries are beginning to deliver value on the consumer’s micro moment.

The solution?

Examine every channel, including every user experience to ensure the micro moment is optimized. The goal is to streamline across the lifecycle and in particular, key conversion points. Experiences need to be built for the sophisticated, savvy, fast moving consumer, who may amplify their experience via social media – be it good, bad, slow, or efficient.

In conclusion

With an eye on these three dilemmas, marketers can begin to work on solutions to achieve new levels of consumer value, satisfaction, and engagement. As new solutions are established, marketing organizations will need to re-focus themselves on individual consumer action.

How is your organization dealing with these three digital dilemmas (and opportunities)? Let us know.


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