An Email Marketer's Guide to Smart Automation

Email automation doesn't have to be impersonal. Used correctly, it can actually help marketers get hyper-personal messages to the right subscribers at the right time. Read our guide to find out how.

Content Takeover Content MarketingAccording to a recent study by Epsilon, triggered email messages see over 70 percent higher open rates with click rates 152 percent higher than standard bulk messages. Those are some eye-opening results, but some marketers are still hesitant to embrace automation, primarily from fear of it seeming too impersonal or complicated to set up. The reality is that automation makes it easier to send more targeted, personalized messages and actually saves tons of time once it’s set up.

Here’s our handy guide to getting big results from email automation right away.

Use Strategic Lead Magnets to Attract the Right Subscribers

Tying email sign-ups to strong lead magnets is a tried and true way to build lists, but it’s also a great way to determine customer interest. Instead of offering an enticing magnet with universal appeal – say, an Amazon gift card – try a product-specific offer or content piece your audience can use right away. That way, you’ll know you’ve got a strong list full of subscribers eager to hear more.

Create Long-Term Relationships with a Warm Welcome

You don’t want to toss new leads into the deep end by delivering content that will only make sense to long-term subscribers. Instead, create a series of welcome emails that introduce what your brand’s all about. For example, a brand selling a product or service could offer customer testimonials, helpful content, and special offers before jumping straight to the hard sell. And a nonprofit will want to share their mission, success stories, and future goals before jumping straight into donation talk. A good welcome series seamlessly integrates new subscribers into your larger brand audience.

Add a Personal Touch to Your Lead Nurturing

It seems counterintuitive to say that automation, with the images of robots and gears it evokes, can help personalize communication but that’s absolutely the case. Jupiter Research shows that customized emails drive 18 percent more revenue than general blasts. Want an easy example? Set up a simple date-based trigger to send an automated email that celebrates birthdays and anniversaries with a special offer. It takes virtually no time at all to set up and your audience will appreciate that you remembered their special day. And don’t forget to automate a thank you email to show your appreciation once they take advantage of the special offer.

Make Unsubscribing as Easy as Subscribing

A difficult unsubscribe process is not only frustrating, but it makes it much more likely that those frustrated subscribers will mark you as spam. Plus, making it easy for people to unsubscribe will help make sure your email list is healthy and full of engaged subscribers. So an easy opt-out link isn’t a bad thing. Just make sure to include plenty of links to social media so consumers can find you if they want to come back.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Results

Of course, it’s extremely important to avoid setting and forgetting your automated emails. Even if you have a system that’s working, constant testing and monitoring your results are key to ensuring that it keeps humming along successfully. Because every audience is different, varying lead magnets, send times, and subject lines is crucial for maintaining strong relationships with both new and existing customers. You’ll also find out which content is resonating with different segments of your audience. And serving better content not only means more engaged subscribers who look forward to hearing from you, but also, more conversions.

Get more helpful automation tips.

emma-logo*Sponsored content in collaboration with Emma. Views expressed in this article are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect ClickZ’s opinions.


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