Marketing TechnologyData & Analytics3 new marketing attribution trends to keep an eye on

3 new marketing attribution trends to keep an eye on

Marketing attribution can save marketers from spending their budget without being able to analyze their best-performing channels. Now it’s time to explore the latest trends that can make your marketing strategy more effective.

More marketers recognize the need to invest in marketing attribution. It can help them be more efficient with their budget to create more successful campaigns. As more channels show up, there is a challenge of attributing their success to the most appropriate channels.

That’s why it’s important to understand the benefits of attribution to ensure that more future campaigns will be relevant for the target audience.

2018 is already bringing a more sophisticated perspective to attribution, helping more marketers explore its potential in the best possible way.

If you’re ready to leave aside the traditional attribution methods to test new upcoming trends, then here are three key trends to focus on.

1. Integrating marketing and sales with the right technology

Marketing and sales teams cannot work in silos anymore. More successful businesses realize that by blending the two different teams together they can get a more complete understanding of their funnels, from the stage of awareness and consideration of the actual sales.

What’s important is to track all the stages of the marketing and sales activities to ensure that the attribution is as accurate as possible. Marketing technology and its rapid growth through the years can make it easier to organize all the activities.

There is a great opportunity now to help both marketing and sales teams to become aware of how each task contributes to the wider goals. Whether it’s content, an email campaign or an ad, it’s the use of technology that can lead to an improved experience that will make it easier to approach new prospects.

Moreover, CRM systems can also be combined with marketing technology to provide a better planning regarding the leads and the existing customers.

The right use of technology can make the funnel journey easier by providing a clear and transparent reporting for all teams. It can also facilitate the relationships management to ensure a seamless customer experience across all levels. Collaboration is facilitated while productivity is enhanced towards meeting the business objectives.

It’s also useful to focus on good integration when investing in a new marketing technology as this can improve the connection between different technologies and the access to the data your teams can have.

➥ View the full article on our Attribution Knowledge Hub


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