Email, SMS & push message marketing: Report shows increasing influence on consumer purchasing decisions

Digital Marketing Email, SMS & push message marketing: Report shows increasing influence on consumer purchasing decisions

3y Greg Zakowicz

Email, SMS & push message marketing: Report shows ...

Omnisend's Director of Content shares insights from their data analysis of 3 billion emails, and 9 million SMS and push messages for Q3 2020. Discover...

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JIGGY drives 69% of revenue with marketing automation

Case Study JIGGY drives 69% of revenue with marketing automation

3y Greg Zakowicz

JIGGY drives 69% of revenue with marketing automat...

A detailed look at how Omnisend helped Jiggy Puzzles drive 69% of email revenue during COVID-19 with marketing automation. Read More...

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Blending social and email for a better customer experience

Blending social and email for a better customer experience

7y Greg Zakowicz

Blending social and email for a better customer ex...

Do your email subscribers use social media? Let me ask this a different way. Is anyone not using social media? Like email, social media is a powerful...

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