What Does E-Tailing Deliver That Customers Can't Live Without?

What Does E-Tailing Deliver That Customers Can't Live Without?

22y Bryan Eisenberg

What Does E-Tailing Deliver That Customers Can't L...

If your Web site is not merely an additional distribution channel for your existing clientele's convenience, then the question of what value your pros...

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CRM, Yes, But Don't Forget to MRC

CRM, Yes, But Don't Forget to MRC

22y Bryan Eisenberg

CRM, Yes, But Don't Forget to MRC

Building a relationship takes time. Shoving some tech-heavy customer relationship management application at your customers is more likely to push them...

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Personalization: Mass Marketing in Disguise?

Personalization: Mass Marketing in Disguise?

22y Eric Norlin

Personalization: Mass Marketing in Disguise?

Both mass marketing and personalization still live within the broadcast paradigm. Both still assume that the way to achieve the end result is to broad...

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Why Aren’t Your Emails Getting More Action?

Why Aren’t Your Emails Getting More Action?

22y Bryan Eisenberg

Why Aren’t Your Emails Getting More Action?

For a long time, Bryan has been concentrating on the topic of converting Web site traffic. But do the principles he’s been espousing apply to other me...

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If You're So Good, Sell Me

If You're So Good, Sell Me

22y Bryan Eisenberg

If You're So Good, Sell Me

Are you endangering your online business? Nothing can be more deadly than the wrong assumptions. Bryan addresses some of the most common misconception...

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Passion, Part 2

Passion, Part 2

22y Eric Norlin

Passion, Part 2

This one is not for the faint of heart, folks. We don't recommend that you read it if you're easily insulted. We know, though, that you're going to re...

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'What' Must Come Before 'How'

'What' Must Come Before 'How'

22y Bryan Eisenberg

'What' Must Come Before 'How'

Wireframing is all about the "what" -- the execution and process of the site. It has nothing to do with the "how" -- including the innovations of tech...

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Opting for Results

Opting for Results

22y Bryan Eisenberg

Opting for Results

Opting in involves an exchange of value. You get something you want (usually contact or marketing information), and your prospects get something they ...

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Passion, Part 1

Passion, Part 1

22y Eric Norlin

Passion, Part 1

Passion is a product of emotion, not reason. But passion marketing has nothing to do with the emotional sell. It has to do with honesty, speaking from...

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It's the Customer, Stupid

It's the Customer, Stupid

22y Bryan Eisenberg

It's the Customer, Stupid

Take a look at the words on your Web site. Are you talking about all the wonderful ways your visitors can benefit from your products or services, or a...

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Selling Yourself Short on Traffic

Selling Yourself Short on Traffic

22y Bryan Eisenberg

Selling Yourself Short on Traffic

Fairy tales are often based on reality. True, some more than others. But here's one that's far from being a tall tale, even though it has a happy endi...

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Power to the People -- Enough Already...

Power to the People -- Enough Already...

22y Eric Norlin

Power to the People -- Enough Already...

Which group were you in after Eric's last article? The busy-drinking-beer-in-college group? The "highly successful marketing executive" group? The "gi...

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How to Make the Most of Your Traffic

How to Make the Most of Your Traffic

22y Bryan Eisenberg

How to Make the Most of Your Traffic

Despite the rash of dot-bombs, so-called experts are still telling you to increase sales by using methods that the has-beens have proven don't work. S...

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Increasing Your Conversion Rates

Increasing Your Conversion Rates

22y Bryan Eisenberg

Increasing Your Conversion Rates

If you're going to survive, you have to focus on bottom-line results. Spending a fortune to drive traffic to your site -- when most of it never does a...

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Is ClickZ Nuts?

Is ClickZ Nuts?

22y Eric Norlin

Is ClickZ Nuts?

Folks, looks like we have a fight on our hands. The newest addition to our columnist family has declared war against... ClickZ. But since he's now a p...

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The Five-Letter Dirty Word

The Five-Letter Dirty Word

22y Bryan Eisenberg

The Five-Letter Dirty Word

What word (it refers to something we do every day, whether we realize it or not) immediately conjures up an image of a slick, aggressive, fast-talking...

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Two Limitations of Web Site Traffic Analysis Tools

Two Limitations of Web Site Traffic Analysis Tools

22y Hurol Inan

Two Limitations of Web Site Traffic Analysis Tools

In the early days, collecting data about Web site traffic via log files was easy. These days, though, many Web sites provide dynamic content, and they...

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RE: Email Subject Lines That Work?

RE: Email Subject Lines That Work?

22y Bryan Eisenberg

RE: Email Subject Lines That Work?

We are all bombarded by emails. Some are legitimate business correspondence, many more are solicitations, personal mail, junk, jokes, spam... With a...

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RE: Email Subject Lines That Work?

RE: Email Subject Lines That Work?

22y Bryan Eisenberg

RE: Email Subject Lines That Work?

We are all bombarded by emails. Some are legitimate business correspondence, many more are solicitations, personal mail, junk, jokes, spam... With all...

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Warning: Explicit Lyrics

Warning: Explicit Lyrics

22y Eric Norlin

Warning: Explicit Lyrics

If no one pays attention to marketing anymore, and so marketing supply and demand are in disequilibrium; and if instead there is demand for people wit...

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The Keys to Key-Driver Analysis

The Keys to Key-Driver Analysis

22y Michael Hochster

The Keys to Key-Driver Analysis

Key-driver analysis is a powerful way to derive business value from customer-satisfaction data. And Michael's tips for successfully doing so will help...

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Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Web Site

Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Web Site

22y Bryan Eisenberg

Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Web Site

How is a movie like a Web site? Before a single scene of a blockbuster gets filmed, the production crew has a complete map of the end product. They le...

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Web Site Traffic Analysis Untangled

Web Site Traffic Analysis Untangled

22y Hurol Inan

Web Site Traffic Analysis Untangled

How does traffic arrive at your site? Which users make up that traffic? How do users interact with your site? And what are the results of their visits...

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Navigating Through Analysis Paralysis

Navigating Through Analysis Paralysis

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Navigating Through Analysis Paralysis

Despite what many information architects believe, good navigation schemes have little to do with prospects' recall ability. Instead, what's at work is...

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Stats Attack II: Correlation

Stats Attack II: Correlation

23y Michael Hochster

Stats Attack II: Correlation

Correlation is the engine under the hood of many market- research methods. According to Michael, knowing its proper uses and limitations will improve ...

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KISS Your Customers If You Want Them Back

KISS Your Customers If You Want Them Back

23y Bryan Eisenberg

KISS Your Customers If You Want Them Back

Programmers dream of elegant code. To them, simple is elegant. That's true of the language the rest of us use: The best writing is often the simplest....

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The Need for Web Site Traffic Analysis

The Need for Web Site Traffic Analysis

23y Hurol Inan

The Need for Web Site Traffic Analysis

Despite the proliferation of Web sites, many don't work well enough to drive e-business success. Why so many breakdowns on the information superhighwa...

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