Customers: One Click Away From Goodbye

Customers: One Click Away From Goodbye

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Customers: One Click Away From Goodbye

If your site is not a part of the selling solution, you have a big problem. You certainly won't be making it into the history books. In fact, you'll b...

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A Land Beyond Usability

A Land Beyond Usability

23y Bryan Eisenberg

A Land Beyond Usability

Sure you appreciate the pothole-free roads, the prominently displayed signs, and the smooth and straight highways of the Land of Usability. But are yo...

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You Want Them to Buy? Sell Benefits

You Want Them to Buy? Sell Benefits

23y Bryan Eisenberg

You Want Them to Buy? Sell Benefits

To sell, you must appeal to what motivates people. Use words that evoke, not words that baffle. In other words, translate features, which appeal to th...

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The Myth of the Average Customer

The Myth of the Average Customer

23y Michael Hochster

The Myth of the Average Customer

For market researchers who think in terms of the "average customer," there's a tool they must learn about. Segmentation is its name, and Michael shows...

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The 12 Laws of Selling in a Down Market

The 12 Laws of Selling in a Down Market

23y Patricia Clark

The 12 Laws of Selling in a Down Market

The market's down. That doesn't mean you have to be. Just adhere to these 12 laws, and you'll become a model of sales citizenship. Read More...

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The ABCs of GTC and POA

The ABCs of GTC and POA

23y Bryan Eisenberg

The ABCs of GTC and POA

You don't need a B.A. or M.S. or Ph.D. to know that beyond the ABCs of running a site are the GTC and POA. Bryan spells it all out for you. Read More...

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How to Get Started With a Pre-Post Analysis

How to Get Started With a Pre-Post Analysis

23y Michael Hochster

How to Get Started With a Pre-Post Analysis

The pre-post analysis, while a fundamental type of market research experiment, has countless tricky applications. Luckily, Michael stresses the key po...

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As Easy As 1, 2, 3 (4, 5)

As Easy As 1, 2, 3 (4, 5)

23y Bryan Eisenberg

As Easy As 1, 2, 3 (4, 5)

Even in the age of the Web, people buy the way they always have. That means to get them to buy, you need to sell. For your Web site to sell, its infor...

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Funneling Customers Into Your Site

Funneling Customers Into Your Site

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Funneling Customers Into Your Site

Your Web site's home page is both sales funnel and salesperson. You've got to pull your potential buyers through the funnel, showing them the way to w...

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Why Should I Buy From You?

Why Should I Buy From You?

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Why Should I Buy From You?

Why would anyone want to do business with you? What's so special about you? What makes you think you're any different from anyone else? No, that's not...

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Experience the Power of Conversion

Experience the Power of Conversion

23y Michael Hochster

Experience the Power of Conversion

The definition of conversion ratio may be a mouthful, but you need to think with your head, not your stomach. A gut feeling is not the best way to mak...

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A Pair of Ears Beats a Pair of Eyes

A Pair of Ears Beats a Pair of Eyes

23y Bryan Eisenberg

A Pair of Ears Beats a Pair of Eyes

Hear ye, hear ye! Ads fail if they don't respect the workings of the brain. In advertising -- and the brain -- the killer app is sound, whether heard ...

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Counting What Counts

Counting What Counts

23y Michael Hochster

Counting What Counts

If you want to measure site traffic, you'll have to count what counts. So... What counts? What tools count what counts? What measurements do the tools...

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Measuring Your Sales Success

Measuring Your Sales Success

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Measuring Your Sales Success

We love baseball. All those stats! Ks, ERAs, and HRs... If you also love baseball analogies -- and just maybe also want know how to increase your Web ...

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Don't Have a Stats Attack

Don't Have a Stats Attack

23y Michael Hochster

Don't Have a Stats Attack

It's time for a little statistics. Wait, come back! This isn't a flashback to your college stats course. No scary formulas, just an overview of key co...

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Does Your Home Page Engage Customers?

Does Your Home Page Engage Customers?

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Does Your Home Page Engage Customers?

The only thing customers care about is what your product or service can do for them. To engage customers, you need a Web site with strong copy that sp...

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What Do Your Customers Really Want?

What Do Your Customers Really Want?

23y Michael Hochster

What Do Your Customers Really Want?

Want to know what your customers want? Ask them. The customer satisfaction survey can be a very useful tool in making critical business decisions. Mik...

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Getting the Customer Feedback You Need

Getting the Customer Feedback You Need

23y Michael Hochster

Getting the Customer Feedback You Need

"Ask a silly question, get a silly answer." This playground put-down contains a hard kernel of marketing truth. If you want to gather actionable custo...

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Does Your Home Page Help or Hinder Sales?

Does Your Home Page Help or Hinder Sales?

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Does Your Home Page Help or Hinder Sales?

To increase your online sales, you have to begin at the beginning: your home page. If it doesn't do what it should, visitors won't go deeper into your...

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Sampling the Right Customers the Right Way

Sampling the Right Customers the Right Way

23y Michael Hochster

Sampling the Right Customers the Right Way

So Statistics 101 wasn't your favorite class. But chances are you recognize how important sound sampling methods are to conducting an effective resear...

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Stuck in Traffic?

Stuck in Traffic?

23y Michael Hochster

Stuck in Traffic?

Measuring your site's traffic is crucial to assessing where you're going. In this new column Internet analyst and statistician Michael Hochster will g...

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Marketing Is NOT Sales

Marketing Is NOT Sales

23y Bryan Eisenberg

Marketing Is NOT Sales

Don't get Bryan wrong. He does think marketing is an essential part of the e-commerce equation. But when it comes to success in e-business, or any bus...

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Final Edition

Final Edition

24y Jeff Moore

Final Edition

This is the final edition of Ad Metrics. Jeff Moore, its writer, recently left the Internet advertising field when he accepted a new position with Cur...

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It’s All About Targeting

It’s All About Targeting

24y Jeff Moore

It’s All About Targeting

The predominant reason people click on ads is interest in the product advertised. Sure, sweepstakes, curiosity-makers, and entertaining ads all have t...

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The Dilemmas of Wireless Web Advertising

The Dilemmas of Wireless Web Advertising

24y Jeff Moore

The Dilemmas of Wireless Web Advertising

Put the world's two hottest technologies -- the Internet and wireless communications -- together and you get a lot of hype. Everyone is talking about ...

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Health Sites, Demographics, and Bunions

Health Sites, Demographics, and Bunions

24y Jeff Moore

Health Sites, Demographics, and Bunions

Healthcare is a huge and rapidly growing application for the Internet. A recent Jupiter Communications study claims that online health advertising wil...

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The Need for Speed

The Need for Speed

24y Jeff Moore

The Need for Speed

Internet advertising makes up only about one percent of the total U.S. advertising market. The good news is that high- speed access will cause online ...

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