iOS 14 is not your biggest measurement challenge… but it might have just exposed it

Data iOS 14 is not your biggest measurement challenge… but it might have just exposed it

3y Sam Carter

iOS 14 is not your biggest measurement challenge… ...

Sam Carter, CEO of Fospha Marketing, breaks down what’s happening with iOS 14, the impact for marketers and how businesses can prepare for the fallout...

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How multi-touch attribution can guide financial institutions through a decade of digital transformation

Industry Developments How multi-touch attribution can guide financial institutions through a decade of digital transformation

5y Sam Carter

How multi-touch attribution can guide financial in...

Modern finance is going through a real shake-up. Growing discontent amongst consumers over traditional banking services has seen a host of new players...

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Why do you need multi-touch attribution?

Data & Analytics Why do you need multi-touch attribution?

6y Sam Carter

Why do you need multi-touch attribution?

It goes without saying – marketers want to be good at what they do. And to achieve this, they need to produce conversions and leads without breaking t...

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6 changes in marketing measurement that will impact 2018

Data & Analytics 6 changes in marketing measurement that will impact 2018

6y Sam Carter

6 changes in marketing measurement that will impac...

Too many marketers continue to rely on last-click attribution, without understanding the value played by all touchpoints in the customer journey. Here...

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How can a Customer Data Platform tackle common challenges faced by CMOs?

How can a Customer Data Platform tackle common challenges faced by CMOs?

6y Sam Carter

How can a Customer Data Platform tackle common cha...

Marketers undeniably face a wide array of challenges, but understanding and making use of customer data is key to each and every one of these. In Part...

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What are the essential components of a Customer Data Platform?

What are the essential components of a Customer Data Platform?

6y Sam Carter

What are the essential components of a Customer Da...

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) can help companies unify their data and acquire that single customer view that is so vital to marketing success. But ho...

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How can a Customer Data Platform help with personalization?

How can a Customer Data Platform help with personalization?

6y Sam Carter

How can a Customer Data Platform help with persona...

Despite the Digital Marketing Association noting that 77% of brands believe real-time personalization of their marketing is crucial, a whopping 60% st...

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The 'must-knows' on how to achieve a data-driven attribution model

The 'must-knows' on how to achieve a data-driven attribution model

6y Sam Carter

The 'must-knows' on how to achieve a data-driven a...

With the increasing complexity of the customer journey, traditional single-touch attribution models are no longer sufficient. In this article, I'll lo...

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The top 7 barriers to attribution and how to overcome them

The top 7 barriers to attribution and how to overcome them

6y Sam Carter

The top 7 barriers to attribution and how to overc...

A recent article by Martech Advisor stated that ‘In 2017, organizations will realize that attribution is not the panacea to their measurement problems...

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The challenges of attribution: Which channel produces the highest ROI?

The challenges of attribution: Which channel produces the highest ROI?

6y Sam Carter

The challenges of attribution: Which channel produ...

The consumers’ path to purchase has grown increasingly complex, with the vast majority of touchpoints occurring over multiple sessions and multiple ma...

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