Four principles for finding success in digital commerce marketplaces

Four principles for finding success in digital commerce marketplaces

4m Paul Lynch & Kalpan Vyas

Four principles for finding success in digital com...

Launching a digital marketplace has become a popular strategy for B2B and B2C brands alike. While marketplace businesses grew at double the pace of tr...

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Navigating Black Friday in a cost-of-living crisis

Commerce & Sales Navigating Black Friday in a cost-of-living crisis

11m Ed East

Navigating Black Friday in a cost-of-living crisis

Amid the economic backdrop, we could see a resurgence in Black Friday this year as consumers seek thrifty ways to battle inflation and secure a bargai...

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Overcoming CX shortfalls across digital channels with (and without!) AI

Actionable Analysis Overcoming CX shortfalls across digital channels with (and without!) AI

1y Cyril Coste

Overcoming CX shortfalls across digital channels w...

Exclusive advice from global influencer and CXO leader, Cyril Coste on how to amp up your customer experience (CX) strategy and connect AI with digita...

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Top mistakes ecommerce businesses make in their PPC strategies during the build-up to Black Friday/Christmas

PPC Top mistakes ecommerce businesses make in their PPC strategies during the build-up to Black Friday/Christmas

2y Elizabeth Roscoe

Top mistakes ecommerce businesses make in their PP...

30-second summary: For many businesses, the holiday season can be a busy time so having a solid PPC strategy in place can make a huge impact  Don̵...

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No limits, no budget: How Asics built the Eternal Run campaign

UI No limits, no budget: How Asics built the Eternal Run campaign

2y Gareth Platt

No limits, no budget: How Asics built the Eternal ...

How organic media and community engagement propelled a billion impressions and a line-up of awards Read More...

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Product recommendations are not “one size fits all”

Conversion & ROI Product recommendations are not “one size fits all”

2y Jeremy Chan

Product recommendations are not “one size fits all...

A good customer experience provides differentiation for ecommerce as traditional shops reopen Read More...

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How a brand-to-local marketing strategy amplified The Grasshopper Company's growth

Case Study How a brand-to-local marketing strategy amplified The Grasshopper Company's growth

2y Jacqueline Dooley

How a brand-to-local marketing strategy amplified ...

How the 52 year old legacy brand saw a 500% lead generation boost using centralization, modernized digital marketing, localized ad targeting, and a de...

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Funnel vision: the dangerous trap of lead stages

Commerce & Sales Funnel vision: the dangerous trap of lead stages

2y Norman Guadagno

Funnel vision: the dangerous trap of lead stages

Norman Guadagno, CMO at Acoustic, explores how renaming sales stages can help to build further collaboration between marketing and sales Read More...

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How app-free contactless payments are retailers’ and shoppers’ little helpers

Commerce & Sales How app-free contactless payments are retailers’ and shoppers’ little helpers

3y Val Vacante

How app-free contactless payments are retailers’ a...

Val Vacante highlights the epic growth in contactless payments and how app-free experiences are the ultimate helper for retailers and shoppers Read Mo...

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How to bridge the sales gap with experiences that matter

Content & Experience How to bridge the sales gap with experiences that matter

3y Bridgette Darling

How to bridge the sales gap with experiences that ...

Adobe’s Bridgette Darling outlines how brands can deliver the customer experience that is essential to retail success. Read More...

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COVID-19: The cause for increased sales productivity?

Commerce & Sales COVID-19: The cause for increased sales productivity?

3y James Moore

COVID-19: The cause for increased sales productivi...

How the global pandemic has reinvigorated media sales teams and unlocked efficient ways to deliver value. Read More...

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Seven UX ideas to improve your ecommerce sales

UX Seven UX ideas to improve your ecommerce sales

3y Irina Weber

Seven UX ideas to improve your ecommerce sales

If you want to sell more, try the following techniques to provide better support, build user trust, optimize the site, and boost sales. Read More...

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Bridging the gap: How marketing and sales can break down the technological walls between their departments

Digital Marketing Bridging the gap: How marketing and sales can break down the technological walls between their departments

3y Tom Castley

Bridging the gap: How marketing and sales can brea...

Amid the pandemic, the need for sales and marketing to work together has never been greater. Businesses should embrace technology to integrate the fun...

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Tech Talk with LoyaltyLion: How to find the best loyalty and retention strategies for your brand

Loyalty Tech Talk with LoyaltyLion: How to find the best loyalty and retention strategies for your brand

3y Bhavik Soni

Tech Talk with LoyaltyLion: How to find the best l...

Companies complain of their customer churn rate steadily increasing over time, which led to a serious reduction in customer retention. In our latest T...

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