Peter Isaacson

Peter Isaacson has over 25 years of marketing experience in both B2B and B2C marketing, ranging from branding, advertising, corporate communications and product marketing on a global scale. As CMO for Demandbase, Peter is responsible for overall marketing strategy and execution, including product, corporate and field marketing. Prior to joining Demandbase, Peter was CMO at Castlight Health, helping to scale the company and build the marketing team prior to its successful IPO. Peter got his start in advertising, working at agencies in New York on accounts ranging from Procter & Gamble to Compaq computers.

Survey: Unification in sales & marketing is key for ABM success

Digital Marketing Survey: Unification in sales & marketing is key for ABM success

3y Peter Isaacson

Survey: Unification in sales & marketing is key fo...

43% of companies named Sales & Marketing alignment as their top priority for ABM in 2020, according to new Demandbase survey. Their CMO and a member o...

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The next phase of account-based marketing (ABM): Business ecosystems

Digital Transformation The next phase of account-based marketing (ABM): Business ecosystems

4y Peter Isaacson

The next phase of account-based marketing (ABM): B...

The category of ABM has come a long way in the last couple years. What will the next phase of its evolution be? Demandbase CMO Peter Isaacson discusse...

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