Revenues to be Hot Topic at Consumer Online Services Conference

CNN Financial News President Lou Dobbs andthe chairman of The New York Times Arthur Sulzberger Jr., will beamong the keynote speakers at Jupiter Communications' ConsumerOnline Services V conference.

CNN Financial News President Lou Dobbs and the chairman of The New York Times Arthur Sulzberger Jr., will be among the keynote speakers at Jupiter Communications’ Consumer Online Services V conference.

The conference is scheduled for March 4-6 in New York City. Other keynote speakers are Norman Pearlstine, editor-in-chief, Time Inc.; Geraldine Laybourne, president, Disney/ABC Cable Networks; Steve Case, chairman and CEO, America Online; Steve Brill, chairman and CEO of Brill Media Ventures; and Tom Jermoluk, chairman, President and CEO, @Home Network.

Adam Schoenfeld, vice president and senior analyst at new media research firm Jupiter said: “New media is forging new ideas for revenue generation and ways of transmitting entertainment and information. COS V gathers some of the industry’s key figures to discuss if online is ready to deliver on its immense potential with profits.”

Profits, of course, include advertising revenues. The event is expected to draw more than 750 attendees and 70 exhibitors, Jupiter said.

Jupiter’s conferences are a part of its Strategic Planning Services (SPS) program. SPS customers receive passes to several conferences each year. Non- SPS clients interested in attending COS V must pay a registration fee.

To register, or to receive a full conference brochure, contact Jupiter Communications at (800) 488-4345 or (212) 780-6060, or email [email protected].


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