ResourcesWebsite redesign in 7 steps

Website redesign in 7 steps

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When it comes to a website redesign, a lot of time and dedication goes into the process. Redesigning your website isn’t a one-time project; it’s an ongoing process that will affect your web presence for years to come. That’s why a thought-through plan of your website redesign considering all parts of the process is crucial to the success of your redesign and site long-term. Many teams might want to dive right into it, but strategy and goals need to be established first.

This checklist gives an overview of all the aspects you should think about in order to make your redesign a success.

  1. Definition and planning
  2. Selection of a content management system (CMS)
  3. Site structure and content review
  4. Visual design
  5. Site development
  6. Testing
  7. Launch and post launch analysis