The problem with AB testing ... and why real-time personalization is the future

Whitepaper | Data & Analytics The problem with AB testing ... and why real-time personalization is the future


The problem with AB testing ... and why real-time ...

Marketing, especially for e-commerce all come down to the numbers.  For marketers the key success areas must be met equally with customer engagement, ...

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Beyond Programmatic Advertising

Whitepaper | Marketing Technology Beyond Programmatic Advertising


Beyond Programmatic Advertising

In 2013, Walker released a study predicting that by the year 2020, customer experience will have overtaken price and product as the key brand differen...

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How to target the 5 ecommerce shopping modes

Whitepaper | Ecommerce How to target the 5 ecommerce shopping modes


How to target the 5 ecommerce shopping modes

Brands today are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to interact and engage with an estimated 1.6 billion online shoppers every year. Of that 1.6...

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