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The rise of a new economic power
It isn’t the next China, but it could still transform itself and the world
Good news, for now
The bitterness of the struggle in Washington is a sign of trouble ahead
Back on the road
The industry has had a terrible few months. But demand is likely to pick up
The next litmus test of Tory purity
Breakbone blues
Dengue fever must be curbed
On abortion and crime, artificial intelligence in health care, war novels, casual sex
American politics
Power in China
Last-minute reprieve
It must use it wisely
Trump-proof tiger
No longer just made in China
Pacific pivot
Jobs v the patriarchy
Back to the future
Mules and motorcades
Friends, sorta
Bean counting
Clumsy college crackdowns
The centre holds
What the FERC
Back to square one
Termination disputation
Spoiler alert
Iran’s defensive tactics
Your money or your life
The Cyrus cylinder
The destruction of Addis Ababa
Long walk to nowhere
Militia mayhem
Mosquito-borne illness
Latin America’s tech superstar
Tackling the climate
Meloni and the media
A weak link
Drama king
Farewell to harms
Hard times
Rights and flights
A silent scandal
Put VAT on everything
Queering Ambridge
Local democracy
Court out?
Autarky rules OK
The India express
Surprise winner
Functioning anarchy
A tricky trio
Stellar solar
Building for the future
Joint adventures
Wings of change
Tinderboxed in
Social media and security
Broke capitalism
Hop to it
Battles to come
Fiscal fiasco
Desert dollars
Free exchange
Brain v body
Second sight
Tick tock
From ivory tower to person of the hour
The tides of Venice
The killer smile
Jungle book
Shake it off
Gangnam style v gulag style
The Economist explains
Prisoner of Hizbullah